Chapter 13: Change

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Chapter 13: Change



If it was another person, they would have thought that he was a liar or he's just crazy and spouting the most nonsensical thing in this virtual world.

To hear the voices of monsters... not to mention it was impossible, it was also absurd.

And yet, this was Siva they were talking about.

He was only a 'God' that is bound to destroy Terroa.

Of all the things impossible to explain, this was also a game. Everything is still possible so him, hearing a Dragon Race [Ice Giant] talk was still possible and is a feat that can still be linked to one of the 'impossible' things connected to him being a God.

So their doubtful hearts only lasted for a moment before they realized what the cause of his weird actions earlier.

"You mean... you heard it speak?" Volt uttered.

Siva looked back at the two and then back to staring at the mountain peak that's still covered in blizzard storms. It was hard to think that they were in there just a few minutes or perhaps hours ago but now, it was more than a kilometer or two from their grasps.

"I heard it just after it blasted us off to the mountain wall. He said that he could smell his scent in me but the aura and persona was different." After he said this, he turned to Thorn and Volt. "What exactly happened in Dragona?"

Being asked, Thorn and Volt exchanged looks. Volt sighed and then pulled up his player panel, went to the web, then downloaded a video.

After a while, he sent this video to Siva.

He said, "This video was broadcasted in Terroa Day Today yesterday in Terroa time."

Siva had already seen the preview but he didn't have the time to watch the whole movie. And so he watched it and skipped minute by minute until he got to the point of where Mefisto changed forms.

He held his black smoke skinned face and staggered back to a wall of ice, trying to recover. "Th-This is me?" he spoke loudly and his voice had the tinge of worry and shock.

Volt nodded, "That is you." He said and then looked at Thorn who continued to explain.

"Back in Dragona, we received an emergency distress call from one of the Elders of Dragona, that Female Pirate, and said that something happened in the City of Dragona and that the culprit was a demon. We first thought that it was an event but then we saw you and... well, that's how things escalated. After which, you began to call yourself [The Devil] and that you will destroy everything. That's how Hagrid fought you on that video."

Volt continued. "On that last part, a God-like Siva had appeared and stopped The Devil's last attack. That's how we knew it was you."

Siva couldn't believe what he was hearing and he held his head, racking his brain out, trying to remember anything that will lead to him recalling what had happened but to no avail. Aside from that vague memory of a man in that room and the view of an ocean outside the window, he can't remember anything else.

It was just as he had initially thought back in the house; the idea of a computer program blocking him from controlling his avatar was just outrageous!

"No! I-I can't remember anything..." Siva was clearly horrified by this.

And then, suddenly... something happened that even he can't explain it clearly and yet, he looked up into the sky. His panic-stricken voice died into a stop and his eyes were looking into the sky as if...

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