Chapter 05: Rogue of Malice

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Hi guys.

Firstly, the picture above is the new cover for Pilot Online... ya like it?

I have another version of this one though but I'll post it on Friday for you guys to judge.

Okay... sorry It took a while for me to post this. I actually overslept. I was up all night writing and posting chapters in Patreon and I was so tired that I slept at around 6am -savouring the time when my computer didn't crash for five hours! I just woke up with a 9hr sleep so yep, as you've guessed, I have a broken body clock.

Anyways, here's your opening chapter of this week. Normal posts will be twice a week between Wednesday and Friday because in weekends, I have to work for my sideline job in the construction site (to get money for food). On Mondays and Tuesdays, I'll be writing Chapters for [Pilot Online] and [The Mortal King] respectively. And so I dedicated Wednesdays until Fridays for the Siva Light Novel Series so please be lenient on me... Hehe...

Well, now that's out of my chest, here's your chapter. Next chapter will be on Friday.

Hope you enjoy this.

And also, please, if you have some cash to spare, my account has goodies for you guys every week. Please pay me a  visit...

Now then, enjoy the chapter and don't forget to VOTE.






Chapter 05: Rogue of Malice



He clenched and unclenched his fists and felt the strength they had on them. He stood up and much to his amazement, the leg that had been subjected to the metal braces doesn't feel as though it had one.

With a light swoosh, he made a kick and then he positioned himself straight again.

"My body... it's... it's healed?" Terrified of this fact, he went on and dialed a number on the comm list.

After four rings, his Uncle Faust, eyes filled with a dark layer underneath, answered the call.

Rex was about to say something when the man on the other line spoke irritably, "What do you want at this late an hour?"

Rex felt puzzled as to why the sudden change in his attitude. Before, Uncle Faust had been waiting for any news about him but now, he was a man whose irritated by just having him call this late an hour. His heart that seemingly had undergone a change he wasn't even aware of himself, felt that this change in attitude was abrupt and abnormal.

"Uncle Faust... I..." Rex tried to explain and start all over again but before he could even say the next part of his speech, he was already cut by Faust's sharp stare.

"Rex, right now, I am in an important breakthrough so if you have nothing good to tell me, please refrain from disturbing me from now on. I am researching something very important and you will be informed once it is complete."

"B-But Uncle Faust..."

"Just follow my advice, Rex. Right now, you are disturbing me.'

These words felt like specially sharp daggers to Rex.

The call was cut and he was left there staring at nothing. He was in shock, wondering what happened to his once caring and overly worried Uncle Faust.

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