Part three - submission

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Sorry the cliff hanger was shitty last chapter

Mello gulped in nervousness as her face began to flush a light pink color. Amber just chuckled and continued walking on until they reached the elevator. Amber stopped for a moment, giving Mello the signal that she should press the button and the floor number as they entered the elevator. Nothing was said as the elevator climbed to their destination. When the elevator finally came to a stop and the doors slid open, Amber walked out first, Then Mello followed. There was a elegant hallway leading to a large double door entrance. Amber opened the door, letting Mello pass through into the living room of the huge apartment.


Said Mello in a very quiet and breathy voice. Amber smiled slightly before walking in, the lights automatically brightening sensing someone's presence.

"Like it?"

Questioned Amber, not really seeking an answer as she already knew it could amaze even the pickiest of interior designer's.

"Of course."
Mello smoothed out her dress and quickly gained her composure.
"Where shall we be dining?"

"Follow me."

Mello quickly followed Amber into the kitchen, which lead into the dining room. The table was already set for two, no alcohol as Amber knows Mello needs to stay away from those kinds of substances. Mello smiled, already knowing and being happy that Amber remembered her preferences of being clean. Amber pulled the chair out from under the elegantly set table so Mello could sit, then pushing it back in a bit after she sat down. Amber brushed her hand against the back of Mello's neck, moving away the hair and leaving the skin exposed. She chuckled when Mello shivered ever so slightly, intaking a shaky breath of air.

"Guess much hasn't changed Mello, you still seem riled up by even the slightest touch."

"That's only because my neck is sensitive, you know that Amber."

"Kind of like your wrist Miss marshmallow?"
Said Amber as she lifted Mello's hand, gently caressing the center of her wrist.
Mello bit her tongue as to keep a sigh of relaxed pleasure from escaping her lips.

Hope you enjoyed, I'm having a tiny bit of a writers block right now but I'll try my best.

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