Charming Journal

193 15 0

February 11

"Mom?" I called into the open house.

No answer.

"Mo-om?" I spoke a little louder, as I strode past the kitchen.

"Megan?" A voice spoke from the stairway. A guy voice.

I spun around, scared to even look.

I knew it was Don. He'd broken in. Oh god.

Only, when my eyes finally focused, it wasn't Don.

My eyes darted to the door, begging me to run. But I was too afraid. Instead I just stood there like a potato. This is how people get killed.

By standing here.

While there is a possible murderer walking calmly down the steps.

Oh look, he's right beside you.

Two inches away.

He's touching your hair while you try to even your breath.

"I won't hurt you. Don't you remember me?" He stroked my hair. I hated my hair touched. It was curly and frizzy.

"I-I" Then blackness.

Oh no, he didn't kill me though.

I passed out. Right on the floor. Yep. That's me. Murderer in my house touching my hair and I faint.

When I did wake up, which was like twenty minutes later, I sat up in my bed. My head was pounding and I couldn't remember much.

There was a guy. He had black hair. No wait, brown?

Was he bald?

How would I explain this to the police if I couldn't even remember if he had hair?

Suddenly, he showed up in my doorway, holding a glass.

"Drink this."

I smelled it, inspected it, tried to show a sign that this was poison.

"It's just water. I told you, I'd never hurt you, baby."

I placed the glass onto my bedside table.

"What did you do to my mom?" I spit at him.

"She thinks it'd be nice if we spent some quality time together. She's at a hotel in Florida." He was so calm. Too calm.

My mom wouldn't just ditch me and go to Florida without my knowing. This scared me.

"I don't believe you." I muttered. Maybe that's not the thing to say to a serial killer, but whatever.

"Call her. Here's the number." He handed me his cell phone.

"Hello?" Sure enough it was Mom's voice.

"Where the hell are you? There's a guy in our house trying to poison me." I yelled into the phone mic.

"Didn't he explain anything? Introduce himself?" She sounded calm too.

At that moment, the guy snatched the phone off of me.

"I'm trying to explain now Elizabeth. Okay. All right. Goodbye."

I stared at him with anger filling my eyes.

Why did he get to say goodbye to her and I couldn't?

"Listen dear, I'm not going to poison you. That's ridiculous. I'm your father. Haven't you seen pictures of me?"

"No. Why are you here?" I asked.

"I told you. Your mother said you were having trouble with anxiety and that I should spend some time with you." He stated simply. "Get some rest. We'll start bonding after school tomorrow."

With that he walked out of the room.

Like he once walked out of my life.

Ooh, that sounded dramatic.

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