Outstanding Journal

141 13 6

February 14

Happy Valentine's Day Journal!

You spent the night without me last night, poor thing. Were you lonely?

Did the policemen hurt you?

That's right.

They took you.

Want to know how?

Let's start from the beginning shall we?

After hanging up the phone with the emergency caller, I squinted my eyes, trying to identify the guy fighting Kevin. That's when I say the big mess of curls.

Oh god. It was Don. Don was fighting my dad!

I was terrified, but ran outside anyway, journal in hand.

"Kevin! Don! Stop!" I screamed, but it was no use. Kevin's fist smashed Don's nose and it started to bleed.

I winced. "I called the cops! They're coming! You better stop." My yelling was barely audible over the groans they were making, but Kevin heard and immediately stopped.

He glanced around, and took off running.

By the time the police and ambulance arrived, he was a good mile away.

The paramedics checked out Don's nose, then the police pulled him away to ask questions. An older policeman with a handle bar stache smiled at me.

"Hello miss. You can call me Rob.." He flung his hand out for me to shake.

"Hi Rob."

"Do you mind telling me what happened tonight?" He began to jot down everything I said onto a small notepad.

"I just looked out the window and... Well you see, this guy kept calling- I'm not sure if it was Don... I mean- I don't think so... and Kevin he just showed up one day- we'll no, he's my dad, it wasn't creepy- actually, it was a little creepy..."

Rob stared at me, trying to piece my words together, then reluctantly responded, "Uh huh." and wrote some more things down.

"I'll be right back, miss." I stood hugging my journal tightly, and watching him speak to the other officer, who was still questioning Don.

I could just barely overhear their conversation.

"Remember that case about a decade ago? With the little kid and his father? Hawthorne I think it was? Just recently got out of jail. This Don kid says it was the same guy."

Kevin was in jail?

Rob marched toward me.

"What was your name again, miss?"

"Megan Hawthorne." I spoke quietly, still wondering about this whole jail thing.

"And you father's name?"


"Where is your mother?"

"She's in Florida. At some hotel, I don't know which one."

"Do you have her number?"

I recited my mother's phone number and he pulled out his cell phone.

Though I could only hear his end of the conversation, that's all I really needed.

"Hello Elizabeth Hawthorne?"

"This is Rob Charleston from the local police. We've had a small incident.

"No, Megan isn't hurt, but your husband-"

"Okay, we'll Kevin then. Kevin is being charged with assault and battery to a minor."

"Yes, he'll be going back to jail. It's safe to come home now. No ma'am, he hasn't been caught yet, he fled."

Rob hung up the phone.

"What's going on? Please tell me." I begged Rob.

"I'm not sure if I'm the right guy to tell you, kid. When your mother gets here, she can tell you."



"No!" I started screaming. "No!"

The last thing I remember is Rob trying to calm me down, and me pushing him away and running. I dropped you on the ground, and ran, when I turned back, Rob had picked you up. The rest is a complete blur.

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