9. Even Though You Probably Deserve It.

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Even with everyone jumping to the beat of the music, she could feel his eyes on her and she decided to torture him.

Doing moves she never used on him, she let the poor guy enlisted to help her receive his payment in the form of her drunken body.

She would drop to the floor and bring her butt up high, making sure the guy moaned loudly before moving on to something else. She felt free as she let the guys foreign hands trace the small of her back, so accustomed to his hands.

Then she ran into someone and felt cold liquid go down the front of her black dress.

Through her drunken gaze she managed to make out the blonde hair of his new girl, and wasted no time in throwing a fist in her direction.

The crunch sound of her nose was the icing on top of the whole night as the girl crumpled to the ground.

The guy she was dancing with went down to help the blonde just as a hand clamped on her now red knuckles and dragged her off the dance floor.

She was slammed against a wall in a secluded area near the bathrooms and a hand was placed over her lips, one she knew felt familiar as she stared into his eyes.

The butterflies that usually fly when she sees his unique eyes weren't interested in spreading their wings as they locked eyes today.

His hand was removed from her lips and she let out a breath of relief. She felt his eyes look her up and down, stopping at certain areas like her hair.

He picked up a strand of it like he used to do when they were still together, twirling it around his finger and dropping it. His fingers then lingered on her face, tracing her cheekbones and the outline of her lips, his hot breath on her face.

Then his lips were on hers, moving hers in sync.

The plan was working.

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