5. And Loving You Was The Only Way She Could.

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The stink was gone from her body and her stomach was full, but her heart was still that awful feeling of numb and she was battling with herself about the device that was in her hand.

Her phone.

The battery was long gone, dead from the constant calls and texts, all that she didn't want to answer. But the charger in her other hand was the key to the rest of the world.

She took a deep breath, knowing that whatever was shown to her would lead to the inevitable tears to stream down her cheeks once more, before plugging the cord into the bottom of her phone.

The device lit up, and she knew it was only a matter of seconds before she could unlock it and be shown what the world was doing while she wasn't there anymore.

Her phone buzzed, scaring her out of her thoughts. Her thumbs trembled as they scrolled down through her messages and calls, searching for one familiar contact.

The notifications plaguing her front screen went on forever, and she eventually got tired of scrolling and unlocked her phone.

The screen pulled up, showing the picture of them together.

Her face was lit up with happiness as his lips were pressed to her cheek. His hands were around her waist, holding her safely and tightly to his body.

She shook her head before she went into the night that picture was taken, and instead clicked on her messages.

Her best friend was the first person in her inbox, sending her message after message of 'sorry's' and 'he's a jerk'.

Next was her mom, asking how she was doing.
Then her friend from work, telling her the boss was angry with her and she better come in.

But it all felt useless, answering them felt meaningless, she just felt the need to cry away her pain.

He didn't text, he didn't call, he doesn't care.

So she went to her photos, directly clicking an album that she put together a long time ago that was filled with pictures of the two of them together.

And she cried.

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