Chapter 6

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Erik and Adrian had kept their word and had stayed away from me for the whole week. If they saw me on one side of the cafeteria, they would automatically move over to the other side.

Part of me was glad for the space, but the other part of me...hated the distance. I wanted nothing more then to curl up into a ball beside them and fall asleep in bed, with them just being near.

Since we had stopped talking to brothers Tanya had descended with her minions like a pack of vultures. Adrian and Erik were now part of their group. It was sickening to watch Tanya hang off the two of them like she could handle either of them.

Like you could do a better job? My mind whispered back to me, making my cheeks heat slightly with embarrassment.

I jumped slightly when Lenny touched my hand, her brows pulled up in to a mask of worry. "Talk to me sweetie. What's going on?" 

Ever since the night I first had the dream, and every night after that I've had the same dream, over and over again. I can't sleep anymore because I'm too afraid that I'll see that Shadower and his cold soulless eyes.  

I'm so tired, just pulling on clothes is enough to drain me completely. But no matter how much I tried to hide the fact that I was scared for my life, I knew I could never hide anything from Lenny. I gave her a thankful smile but I still wasn't in the mood to talk to her about my dream. "It's not my dream thats making me like this." I murmured shrugging weakly as I pushed around the food in my plate, not interested in eating the beans and mashed potatoes.

"Well than what is it? You know you can tell me sweetie? You can tell me anything." She assured, rubbing my arm comfortingly.

I let out a small humourless laugh before shaking my head. "I think I just need to tough it out." I murmured.

"It will stop soon...and then everything will go back to the way it was." I breathed with confidence.

"Sweetie, are you just saying that to convince yourself? Or do you really believe that's whats going to happen?" Lenny whispered with worry.

Sometimes Lenny knew me so well it was scary. I bit my lip to hold back the tears. Because inside I didn't know if this was going to end. I didn't know if I could make it another day watching myself die and feeling a little piece of myself go along with it.

"I-I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." I whispered, pushing myself up from my seat. the edge of my foot got caught on the leg of my chair just as I moved to leave. I stumbled forward, catching myself on the edge of the table with one of my hands, my other one moving to the top of my head.

The whole world had started spinning, the floors moving till they were no longer the floors but the ceiling. I felt sick to my stomach and started to sway dangerously from side to side.

"Mina?" Lenny called out in alarm, her arms reaching out to steady me. "Adrian...Erik." I managed to whisper before I collapsed, my whole world going dark just as the cafeteria erupted into a whirlwind of screams and the sweet melodic voices of Erik and Adrian shouting my name.

Lenny's POV

I watched along with the rest of the school as the Paramedics wheeled Mina into the back of their truck, an IV already inserted into her arm and a breathing mask already secured over her face.

I held a hand over my mouth as tears streamed down my cheeks. Mina was my best friend, the sister I never had and I loved her like crazy. I didn't know what I would do if I lost her.

I turned to go to my car when my gaze landed on Adrian and Erik. They were standing side by side, their fists clenched at their sides. They looked like they were ready to jump into the back of the ambulance, just to be near her.

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