nineteen : saving her

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"Dad?" Arden asked, as she saw the very familiar face. The man smiled at the faded pink haired girl and nodded. Arden just shook her head, she thought she was dreaming. She had to be. "But, how? This is impossible."

"I was found dead by a scientist. He wanted to experiment on my body, and ended up injecting me with something that brought me back to life. Not only that, but I'm strong now. Very strong." Arden's dad, Arthur, said. He smiled at the sight of his daughter. "I wanted to find you, but I was locked in. They didn't let me go. When I finally managed to escape, I came to look for you. I searched for you, and I saw everything, Arden. I saw when you confronted Felicity Smoak, I saw when you met Oliver for the first time, I saw when you told him about your powers."

"Why didn't you say anything?" Arden asked weakly, tears running down her face.

"Because I want you for a different reason now. I need your powers." Arthur said and Arden glared at him.

"That's all you want from me? My powers?" Arden asked angry, "After all those years, you only want my powers?!"

"Indeed, my dear." Arthur answered and caressed Arden's hair. She moved away from his touch and went to push him, but was too weak to do so. "You haven't eaten, you were in the dark for long, it was cold and you just used a power that requires all your energy. You're powerless, Arden."

"I hate you!" Arden screamed from the top of her lungs. "I wish you would've died."

"I still love you, sweetie. I just love your powers a little more."


"Felicity, tell me a way in." Oliver said through the ear piece, waiting desperately for an answer.

"Take a left and go through the window you see," Felicity answered, being extremely nervous in the lair. She was walking around, still focused on the computers, but being anxious. She loved Arden and wanted her to be safe.

"Okay, I'm going in." Oliver said and went into the place through the window. He heard talking, so he hid behind a column.

"Oliver, where am I supposed to be?" Roy asked through the ear piece.

"Go through the roof, there's an open space. We have to get through the guards, Arden's in the basement." Oliver whispered.

"Roger that." Roy responded.

Oliver and Roy fought the guards, one by one. "Now what?" Oliver asked.

"The door to the basement has to be somewhere," Felicity told him anxiously.

"I see a metal door, I'm going in." Oliver said and Roy agreed. Oliver opened the door and both of them walked quietly down the stairs. They heard a voice and screams. The screams definitely belonged to Arden.

"Where are you taking me?!" She screamed, fighting with all she had.

"Just a room, where I can suck out all your powers." A man's voice said.

"Not so fast!" Oliver said, barging in. He started to shoot arrows at the man, but the man dodged them all. He put Arden in a sort of box and locked her in.

"Help!" Arden screamed at Roy, seeing that Oliver was busy fighting with her dad. Roy ran towards Arden and tried to open the box, but it wouldn't open. He started to bang on it as hard as he could, but it didn't do anything either.

Meanwhile, Oliver and Arthur were too busy fighting to notice them. Oliver kept hitting Arthur, but Arthur was too strong. It was a good thing Oliver had good reflexes, because if not, he would already be dead. The arrows that actually landed on Arthur, didn't affect him, which made Oliver angry.

While Roy was trying to help the poor girl, he saw her eyes go wide. "Behind you!" She yelled, making Roy turn around to be greeted by a punch in the face from Scott. Roy took a second before reacting, he sent a punch flying towards Scott's face and a kick to his stomach. Scott fell down, groaning in pain, but got up. He went to punch Roy, but Roy dodged his arm and elbowed his face. He took the opportunity to shoot an arrow on each foot of Scott's. That made Scott fall down and pass out because of the pain.

Roy continued opening the box, but it just wouldn't open. Oliver didn't notice Arthur pressing a button, which made the box start sucking Arden's powers. She started to scream and cry, making Roy freak out.

"Felicity! What now?!" Roy asked desperately.

"Turn off the machine! There's a button in front!" Felicity answered back, almost yelling. This couldn't be happening.

Roy ran toward the button and pressed it making the box turn off and the door open. Arden fell down powerless, she was so weak. Roy ran to her and carried her out of the box, putting her in the floor lightly. Oliver has just finished knocking out her father, so he came to Arden.

"Do your powers still work?" Oliver asked, worriedly. "Wait no, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Arden answered weakly, holding Roy's hand with her own. She never wanted to let go. She crawled over to where her dad was, looking at him angrily. "How could you?" She said weakly, but then her anger took over hear, and she slammed her arms into her father, "HOW COULD YOU?!"

A purple ray came out of her hands as she did, making her dad's body disintegrate. Her eyes widened. "No, no, no." She said softly, looking at the ashes of what used to be her father. Tears left her eyes, "I... killed my father."




- aRA

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