two : new best thing

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Violet was dodging the moves of a tall man and giggling in her high pitch voice. She kicked him with her high heels boots, which were the only move that seemed to have an effect on the criminals. While he groaned in pain, she elbowed him in the face, knocking him out.

"Never mess with young girls again. If you do, I'll have to put you in a time out." Violet said, letting out a giggle.

Oliver watched from afar, studying every move Violet made. She didn't seem to be trained, but her kicks were hard and effective. When she talked like she was a little girl, Oliver just seemed to think she had some kind of mental health problem.

Violet noticed Oliver Queen watching, she took this time to walk up to him. As she did, he seemed to regret being somewhere that was very noticeable.

"Are you a fan?" Violet asked in a baby voice. "Wow, one day in the hero business and guys are already into me."

"Who are you?" Oliver asked, pretending he hadn't seen her before.

"Don't you know?" She asked giggling. "I'm the new best thing."

Oliver just stood there confused at her behavior. He went to ask her a question when she put her finger to his mouth, silencing him.

"I have to go. It was nice to see you, Mr. Queen." Violet giggled and walked away, disappearing into the shadows.

"Felicity, can you research young girls who have mental issues?" Oliver asked as he got to the lair. He was kind of surprised Felicity was there, but he shrugged it off.

"Sure." Felicity answered and typed in her computer. She researched for a little, then some picture popped up on the screen. "Not many who are actually out in the streets, in fact only one. Grace Duncan, in her twenties, loves the color purple."

"I think we have a match." Oliver said relieved he found out who she was.

"Nope, she isn't our purple mystery girl." Felicity said, looking at the information of the girl. "She moved out of Star City six months ago."

"Well, maybe she came back." Oliver suggested, this had to be her.

"Nope. Last seen three hours ago in Coast City." Felicity informed, making Oliver sigh in disappointment.

"Then, who the hell is she?" He asked to no one in particular.

"What if you're looking at this the wrong way," Felicity suggested and Olivet just looked confused. "What if she just seems crazy?"

"Good point."

Arden felt incredible after her fight. She was also proud she made Oliver interested in her. Arden knew he wanted to know who she was and why she was doing all this, and it made her feel special.

Arden put her mask on the kitchen counter and sighed tiredly. She knew she had to stay up all night studying, so she decided to go to her favorite coffee shop.

Arden was taking online classes, since she had no time to go to an actual college. She was very smart for someone her age and seemed to now a lot without having graduated from college yet.

The silver haired girl walked to the old coffee shop she had grown to love. As she approached the counter, Steve was already making her coffee.

"I know what you want, Arden." Steve said making Arden smile. "Such a basic."

"Rude." She exclaimed with a small fake gasp, "I know you love me."

"Keep telling yourself that." He said handing her the hot coffee.

"You only get five bucks today," Arden said placing the five dollar bill on the counter. "Next time think about your attitude."

"I'll be more rude next time." Steve said and chuckled.

Arden was about to leave the coffee shop when she saw a familiar face sitting in a booth. Felicity sat there with headphones on, watching a computer screen. Arden made her way towards Felicity and sat across from her.

"Hello." Arden said, but Felicity didn't seem to notice her. She waved her hands in front of the computer screen to get Felicity's attention, which worked. The blonde closed her computer and took of her headphones.

"Um, hey." Felicity said uncomfortably. "You're not here to interrogate me or anything, right?"

"I'm not gonna hurt you in any way, Felicity." Arden admitted to the blonde. "I just saw you and I could really use some company."

"I don't know how to small talk. Like you can already tell I talk a lot. Everybody seems to notice that, except ignorant people. Ugh, I hate ignorant people. They're so-"

"Felicity." Arden said to make her stop babbling. "I'll start the conversation. What are you doing here?"

"Well, I wanted some good coffee and to watch some shows and this seemed like the perfect place." Felicity answered and smiled slightly at Arden. "What about you?"

"Needed caffeine to stay up all night studying." She shrugged, "Plus, this is my favorite place."

"That's nice." Felicity said and tucked the streak of hair that had fallen out of her ponytail behind her ear. "Have you heard about the new vigilante?"

"That purple chick?" Arden asked casually. She was very good at lying, so she could totally pull this off.

"Yeah, Oliver saw her and said she was crazy." Felicity said and Arden mentally smiled.

"She looks like it." Arden chuckled. "What is it with these vigilantes and their colors?"

Arden started to get up from her chair as Felicity laughed at the comment Arden made.

"I'm gonna go." Arden announced and Felicity smiled up at her. "Bye, Felicity."

"Bye, Arden."

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