Dark Secrets

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I sighed as i stared out of the window. As cliche as it may sound, I was sad, at least my brain said i was, and i was staring at the cold and wet pavement outside the car, looking at the little circular ripples constantly being formed in the puddles of water by the milliseconds, with the raindrops relentlessly hitting the gray road. It was an average day in Torronto, the llittle town i was moving to, with a small population of around 4000 people. The air outside was cold, 17 degrees, just like the broadcaster had said in the news.

Now, i had nothing against wet towns with a cooler climate, but i was sure going to miss the sunny and forever bright Los Angeles. I sighed again, thinking about the life i had left behind and the life that i was starting. It was a hard choice to leave, but sooner or later someone was going to notice that i had not aged a day since the day i set foot in Los Angeles. Plus, Torronto's constant grey skies meant one thing, i could finally go out of my house without my ankuretto, a black diamond anklet that all vampires had to wear to allow them to go into the sun, and living with my siblings would be a fun change. Fun enough anyway.

I took aa deep breath and steadied myself and convinced myself that moving was the best option i had now.

"Steffie, we're here" Cody announced, putting his hand on my shoulder.

I turned to look at my older brother and smiled again. As usual, he was dresed in all black. His eyes were still the deep, dark freen i remembered.

I stepped out of the yellow porsche and my mouth fell open.

The house was huge. The walkway was tiled carefully with flat stones of every size and possible shape, and the house was themed based on the victorian ages, with a pale cream coloured wall and metal railings with intricate desgns that stood on the front porch. The door was a piece of metal, twisted into shape and there were sharp arrows on the top of the heavy, gold doors, much mirroring the fencing outside the royal palace in England.

However, when i actually stepped into the house, my whole perspective changed. The interior of the house was painted with warm, lively and vibrant colours. A glass panel seperated the kitchen from the living hall andd the starcases were tiled with dark wood, a wonderful contrast to the entire colour palette chosen for the house

Then i saw them.

"Justyne! Malcolm! Jakey!"

We all hugged in a group hug, including Cody.

Justyne, my sister, had cropped red hair and light brown eyes. Malcolm, on the other hand, had golden brown hair and light green eyes like mine. His eye colour indicated that he was royal, much like me. Malcolm, was one of the original Dawsons. He was born a dhampir, just like me, and then later changed into a full vampire somewhere around 1847. He had a birthmark shaped like a small little crescent with a D next to it. Jake was royal too. He had the same eye colour as Malcolm and me, and he usually wore a rumpled hairstyle along with his flashy, perfect smile.

"... so glad you're finally here. I mean, can you imagine being the only girl here? Gives me shudders. Anyway, lets catch up. How are you? How--" Justyne ranted but was cut short by Cody, who coughed.

"I'm sure we have alot of talking to do" He stared at Justyne, "But why don't we let Stephanie unpack first?"

Justyne glared at him, annoyed, but i was more than grateful, so i flashed him a smile.

"Party pooper" Justyne muttered.

Jake and I laughed together

"Lets go" Justyne pulled my hand and started off towards the spiral staircase, leaving me barely enough time to grab my luggage.

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