My Justice

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Philadelphia Pennsylvania lived a young lady who went by the name Roseanna Ross.  She was a Hispanic, with long black hair.  A very beautiful woman with a college degree in law.   Her life was perfect.  Although she was a single mother with a three- years old, little girl.  Her daughter's father had passed away a year ago in a car accident.  So must of her time and attention was all given to her daughter, Annie.   

She lived in a three-bedroom house in the suburbs of West Chester.  Her life was good and peaceful finally she was able to accept her husband died and began to live her life again.  She applied for a job at a men's prison as a counselor for the inmates.

Her first week of work was very stressful for her.   She realized that this place where she now worked wasn't for her.  The prisoners were always whistling when they saw her.  Roseanna was pretty, very pretty, this made her a target for the horny men behind bars.     Roseanna's daughter was attending preschool two blocks away from prison.  This made it easier for her to pick up her baby and go home from there.

After a month of working at the prison, she started applying for a different job in the family court department.  She was tired of the prisoners talking nasty to her, even if they were punished, they wouldn't stop the flash talk and whistles.  There was one prisoner that kind of scared her a little.  He wrote her love letters, that she always found on her desk in her lock office.  She didn't understand how he was able to enter her office without the guard's help.  This made her stop trusting the guard that was supposed to protect her from the prisoners.  This was really the reason she was searching for another job.

One raining day, Roseanna was running late, she had to pick up her daughter.  So she closed her office and headed out the jail walls.   While in the parking lot, a man approached her, "Excuse me, don't I know you?" he asked with a weird grin.   When she looked up at the man, she realized it was the writer of the love letters that were being sent to her.  She quickly opened her car door, closed it behind her.   He banged on the car window, "Hey, you didn't answer me." he said as he put his face close to the window.  Roseanna opened the window a little and said, "Look I don't know you, please just move away from my car." she said as she turned on the car and began to back up, while the man hand was still touching her car.   The man moved back, "Hey, you stuck up bitch, you ran over my foot!" he screamed as he fell to the ground.  Francisco the ex-prisoner, who was released on parole got up from the ground.  He wrote down her tag number, then dust his foot off and walked to a blue car that was in the parking lot waiting for him.

"Yo, the bitch ran over your foot, didn't she?" said his friend Johnny.   "Yes, she did.  But it's all good, I'll deal with that later," he said as he got into the car.  "You know you could just call the cops, she did run over your foot," said Johnny as he turned on his car then proceeded to drive away.   "Now, she's too cute to lock up, but she works at the prison, somewhere I don't feel like visiting again.  I'll let this one go," he said as he grabbed one of John's cigarettes and lite it. 

As they drove down the road, he stopped her car on the expressway.  "John, look that her, follow her car." he said as he pointed to her car   "Dude you think that's a good idea, you did just get out of jail?" he asked as he began to follow Roseanna's car.   "Shut up, and just follow her," he said with a glare in his eyes.  Johnny looked at him, and he thought to himself, "This fucker is planning on raping again."  He still followed the car, when the car pulled into a plaza, where Roseanna's daughters pre-school was located.   "Stop the car, don't get too close," said Francisco as he kept staring out the window.    John stopped the car about ten feet away and parked and waited, not really knowing what his friend was up to.

After about ten minutes, Roseanna came out with a three -year -old daughter.  They both got into her car and took off.  Francisco ordered John to follow her car again.  Johnny really didn't want to follow Roseanna.  But he was afraid of his friend, so he did as he was told.

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