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S L E N D E R M A N~
You came home from school to see a note on your bedroom door. 'Hello (Y/N),
I have something important to ask you, but I couldn't stand to ask you face to . . . Well . . . No face. Will you go out with me?  Yea or no. If yes, then come to the pond we were at a few days ago, if no then . . . Don't. Dress formally but comfortably if you decide to come. If you accept, I might be the happiest man alive. . . If I was considered a man.
Thank you for your time
  ~Slender '
You couldn't help but smile while reading this. You threw on your favorite dress and walked out the door.
J E F F  T H E  K I L L E R~
You two were in you your room,as always. You were playing a video game on your PC and so you wouldn't die you were extremely focused. But unlike some gamers, being focused does not mean that you don't hear, listen, nor respond to your environment. Jeff seemed really nervous today. He just wouldn't stop talking. He was just babbling about the randomest things, which was totally out of character. That was until he stopped and started asking you questions, to which you responded in a monotone voice.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" He said.

"Yes, jeff?" You said sounding and looking bored.

"I have a question . . ."

"Yes, jeff? "

"are you listening? it's important."

"Yes, Jeff."

"Are you enjoying the game?"

"Yes, Jeff."

"Will you go out with me?" He asked.

You had to fight the urge to fangirl and jump into his arms. Instead you kept the same bored expression and voice.

"Yes, jeff."

"Will you come with me to the movies tonight?"

"Yes, jeff."

"Will you make me a sandwich?"

"Your pushing it, jeff."

"Will you be my maid for the day?"

"Fuck you, jeff."

"Anytime you want ;) "

"Go die in a hole, jeff."
B E N  D R O W N E D~
For the first time in a while, BEN wasn't with you that day. You were bored so you decided to play some video games on your XBOX. In the middle of your game, there was a text box that appeared on the screen.

'Hey (Y/N)! I have something to ask you . . .' You pressed A to continue.

'Would you like to go out with me?' Then there were two options . . . 'Yes' and 'FUCK YES!' And under it in small letters 'comments (eg. I love you, you're the best, etc.)'. In the comments you wrote 'yolo' then pressed 'yes' As soon as you pressed that BEN popped out the screen and gave you a bone crushing hug.

"You might be dead but . . . I'm not! Alive people . . . need . . . AIR!!" You said as he quickly let go.

E Y E L E S S  J A C K~
You were outside of your house waiting for EJ, since he told you to put on a nice outfit and wait outside. After about 20 minutes he finally came,  he grabbed your wrist and pulled through the woods. Neither of you two spoke the entire time. He stopped at a meadow, and  as you stood there in shock, you didn't notice him standing directly behind you until he cleared his throat. You turned around to see a nice picnic and him holding flowers.

"Be mine? . . . Please."

You were speechless. He took it as a bad thing. He slumped down, as the flowers hit his side.  He then turned and started to walk away, mumbling about how stupid he was to ask you that. Before he could walk too far away, but after you came back to your senses,  you ran to him and glomped him.

"Of course! Yes, I will be yours!" You said at sonic speed. After realizing what you had said, he hugged you back. And you guys went back and ate everything he had brought.

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