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S L E N D E R M A N ~
You took a deep breath in and sniffed the dry air. You looked down at your iPod and changed the song. You smiled as you realized (F/S) had come on. You hummed along, passion embedded into every note. You almost didn't notice the slight rustling of a tree to the left of you . . . Almost. You took out one of your earbuds as you stopped walking, staring intently at the tree.

"Hello?" You said.

In response, you saw another rustle, bigger this time. It really freaked you out. You turned around and bumped into a tree. 'Stupid tree' you thought as you rubbed your head.

"Sorry to say, but I am not a tree," the tree said

'WOAH DID THE TREE SPEAK?!' You thought as you looked up at the "tree", but coming face to face with. . . Well, face to no face. It wasn't a tree but a weird faceless being. Immediately after seeing the being you froze, staring at the . . . thing. 'WHY THE F*CK AREN'T I RUNNING?!' You thought, still frozen in place.

"You wouldn't be able to run anyways. I would find you wherever you go" the thing said.

'Did I say that out loud?' You thought.

"No child. I can read minds."

'Sh!t.' You thought

"Can you stop, please? I find it as an invasion of privacy." You said.

"Sure. But, you're in my woods. I would normally kill someone like you . . . But I've decided not to. You seem like respectable and polite young women. Although, I think you will need help getting out of here." He said.

You looked around and realized you were lost.

"Yea . . . That would be nice."

"It would be my pleasure."


The two of you walked out of the woods, talking the entire time. You learned his name was Slenderman and a few other things including that he lived in a mansion with a lot of others. Once you reached the outskirts of the woods, you two stopped and looked at each other.

"I'll see you later Mr. Slenderman. It was nice to meet you, and thanks for not killing me!" You said waving and walking away.

"Goodbye (Y/N)." He said waving back.

You walked back home to see a frantic and worried mom.

B E N D R O W N E D~
"Hey, caterpillars! It's me, the killer butterfly. Here playing a game everyone has been begging for . . . Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask. I've never played it but I did enjoy the other games. I have no idea why this is what you want a gameplay of, it's really old! But . . . I am always prepared to try new things!" You said as you talked into the camera. It was so hard to find this game. It took you a bunch of garage sales and both Amazon and eBay (not in that order) to find this thing, since almost everybody wanted you to play it, and you can't deny your caterpillars! (I laughed so hard. I honestly just picked the first thing that came to mind, and that was butterflies. People are staring. Every time I put caterpillars or killer butterfly in here I start laughing. I'm so weird)

~T I M E S K I P~

After playing for a while, the game started having glitches. To be honest . . . You were enjoying them. You always loved horror, and it felt just like a horror game! Every time something glitched, your smile would get bigger. Realizing the time you thought you'd have to finish this tomorrow.

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