Chapter 5: Not even friends?

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Jade’s P.O.V.

“How was your not-date then?” Jay asks when I walk through the door, he has an angry look on his face so I knew I was in trouble.

“How’d you know?” I stuttered.

“I went over for my monthly check up and Anna so happily volunteered the information that Kyle was out at the movies with a girl named Jade. So how was Kyle?” He walked closer to me.

“He was good, we saw the movie I wanted to see,” I don’t know what to say cause whatever I do I’m in trouble.

“Anya, don’t hang out with those boys!” He yells before walking upstairs to his bedroom.

He only ever calls me Anya when he means something.

I walk to my bedroom and lie on my bed, and sigh. I actually had fun today, and now it’ll all be taken away from me.

Kyle texts me but I don’t respond, why would I if everything that is fun in my life is always going to be taken away from me.

Jayden always does this, when I just start to get along with someone he takes that away from me and I am either forced to change classes or just pretend they don’t exist. I don’t understand why though, what is so precious about me getting along with someone anyway?

My phone vibrates again signalling yet another text from Kyle. I give in and pick up my phone.

‘I just missed my eldest brother, you should meet him, he rocks!’ the first message says. Followed by, ‘hey are you okay, you usually text straight back?’

I sigh again. I would fall in love with this guy if I wasn’t allowed to even talk to him.

I text back, ‘yeah, I don’t think we will see more of each other.’ I hit send and lie on my bed.

At least I can end it before any feelings got involved.

Kyle’s P.O.V.

“Jay was just here, you missed him by 20 minutes,” mum says when I walk through the door.

I used to look forward when Jay came home, I got so excited that I was run up to see him and beg him to play anything, I just wanted to be with him. Caleb did to but as we got older it’s got more that I am happy to see him but if I miss him by a minute or 20 it doesn’t really bother me.

“Darn, when does he get shipped off again?” I ask.

“Next week,” mum says worriedly.

“I’m sure he’ll be fine mum,” I say while running towards my bedroom.

“How was the date?” Caleb asks.

“Yeah good,” I smile and pull out my phone barely hearing what he actually said.

Caleb started to laugh and I was half way through texting Jade, “What?” I say confused and hitting send.

“You just admitted it was a date,” he laughs, “so did she have a good time?”

“I guess so, and I don’t know if she wanted it to be a date or not,” I say and walk into my bedroom.

“Don’t worry brother; I’m sure she likes you. Who wouldn’t?” Caleb shouts through the door.

I lie on my bed and stare at the ceiling, it was so much fun with her today and we didn’t even do anything. But tomorrow we can do something; we can talk and actually find something about tomorrow.

I fall asleep for a half an hour it says when I look at my phone. When I do that I also notice that Jade hasn’t texted me back. I don’t know much about her texting patterns but I do know that she is on her phone a lot so she had to of seen my  message.

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