Chapter 26

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"We all do things we desperately wish we could undo. Those regrets just become part of who we are, along with everything else. To spend time trying to change that, well, it's like chasing clouds." Libby Bray


Chapter Twenty – Six

Mary Smith had made many foolish choices in her life. Perhaps the first was becoming a nurse.

Of course there was not an abundance of occupations for women to occupy. It was either service, nursing, or factory work. She had tended to others enough throughout her childhood and teenage years to know that the validation she received through gratitude was something that she wanted to continue receiving.

It was not unusual for her to grow attached to her patients. In fact, she had once believed that this was what had made her a good nurse. She cared.

Just as she had cared for Captain Cassidy. She had cared for him, and then she fell in love with him. The fact that he was married had only been a minor complication. Rich people had a way of getting around that.

But Mary had genuinely believed that Captain Cassidy returned her affections. The way he needed her, and relied upon her, was like no other. Mary was the only one who understood, and so she had meddled. She had meddled with his doctor's diagnosis. She had meddled in his married. She had sewed the seed of doubt in Isabella's mind that Luke preferred Mary over her.

How had innocent love come to this?

Isabella's mother, Mrs Dawson, had given her the opportunity to flee once she had taken Jamie off her hands. It was the right thing. The child was ill, and Mary had not been able to risk seeing a doctor and exposing herself.

She had all but booked passage to France when she noticed the front page of a newspaper that a man was reading.


The word "kidnapped" was frightening, but that was the reality of the situation, was it not? She had kidnapped Luke and Isabella's son. She had nearly killed them both! And Luke was here, in London.

If she fled the country, then she would forever be on the run. The police were searching for her. Luke no doubt wanted her in chains. The thought of being so hated was terrifying. But the anxiety she felt not knowing if the strangers around her recognised her was even worse.

She needed to speak to Luke. She needed to make amends. This was not who she was. This was not supposed to be how her life turned out.

It was not long before the newspapers had reported that Luke and Jamie were travelling to Bath to be at Isabella's bedside. It was helpful that England was so preoccupied with knowing absolutely everything about the Cassidy family. It made tracking their movements so simple.

Mary had made her way to Bath on a coach, keeping her head down and avoiding conversation with other passengers.

What was her plan once she had reached Bath? She had no clue. What was her plan if Luke refused to listen to her? Run.

Mary supposed that Bath was a little out of the way of the London press, and so it was not much of a risk if she applied for a nursing position at the hospital in which Isabella was kept. She had fabricated some references and was quickly taken on.

Apparently Bath housed many wealthy residents who sought the doctor for every throat tickle. The demand for doctors and nurses was great.

Mary had stayed out of sight for the first couple of days of her employment. But she had been there to subtly witness Luke's arrival at the hospital, the arrival of Isabella's panicked family, including Mrs Dawson and a healthier looking Jamie.

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