Chapter 14

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"Oh, won't you breathe life into these dead lungs I keep under my coat?
And keep life warm against the cold night as our bodies grow old."  Jack Garratt, Breathe Life


Chapter Fourteen

"This is mad!" cried Isabella. "This is positively mad! Annaliese will be so angry with me!"

Luke chuckled. "Annaliese will be angry with me, Isabella," he promised her. "My mother will be even angrier. She would have wanted to plan a lavish affair for my wedding seeing as Matthew had two boring weddings."

Luke and Isabella had stolen out of Cassidy House just after dinnertime, when the family had retired to amuse themselves about the house. Luke had dressed in his naval uniform and Isabella had chosen a simple ivory coloured dress.

Luke had not ordered a carriage, nor had he risked discovery or detection by venturing to the stables in order to saddle a horse. Instead, he had chosen to walk with Isabella to the vicarage.

It was nice to simply walk with her. He felt at ease when he took her hand. They would only have nine days together, but that was better than nothing. Oh, how he wished he did not have to go away again.

Luke and Isabella walked by the light of the moon. Isabella's ivory dress caught the moonlight perfectly. It was a simple gown, one that she could put on without help. Luke thought it beautiful. Luke thought her beautiful.

"I do love you, Isabella," he promised her. Luke knew this hasty marriage was probably not what Isabella had always imagined her wedding would be like, but he hoped she would be happy.

Isabella smiled up at him. She looked content and carefree. "I love you, too, Luke," she replied softly.

Luke stopped walking and quickly planted a spontaneous kiss on Isabella's lips. He could feel her smiling against him. He would never tire of seeing her smile. Isabella had the loveliest, most effortless smile.

"I will make you happy," he swore, once they were apart.

"We shall make each other happy," Isabella countered. "Why do I get the feeling you are still trying to talk me into this? I am in a white dress, am I not?" Isabella held her arms out, gesturing to her gown, as she laughed lightly. "Free will has not been a luxury of mine in my life. My decisions have always been made for me. Believe me, I make the decision to marry you whole heartedly."

Isabella was mature beyond her years sometimes. She was funny and silly, and Luke adored that carefree side of her, but she also had the ability to floor him. "The church awaits," he said simply.

Luke and Isabella joined hands again as they walked along the country road towards the village that neighboured Cassidy House.

"When war is over," Luke said a little while later, "I am going to buy us a house somewhere. Somewhere nice. A house of our own. A house where we can raise our children."

"Our children?" Isabella repeated.

Luke paused. Did Isabella not want children? Her tone was surprised. "Do you want children?" he asked worriedly.

Isabella blushed. "Of course ..." she murmured.

Luke then remembered that Isabella was innocent, not matter how confident she was. Nobody would have spoken to her about anything that goes on between married couples. But she had to know something, did she not? The blush on her cheeks told him that she did. She was bashful.

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