Chapter 10

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"If love is blind, then maybe a blind person that loves has a greater understanding of it." Criss, Jami, Salomé: In Every Inch In Every Mile



Chapter Ten

The post was always taken to the dining room so that the letters and invitations could be read over breakfast.

Isabella was anxious to see if Luke's doctor had replied to her letter. It had been two weeks.

As awfully as she felt for Luke, Isabella felt as though she had made her first break through with him after months of him isolating himself by sitting up in their bedroom.

Luke had told her how he was feeling. What little knowledge Isabella had of men, she knew in her heart that for a man to confess his fears and insecurities it meant that he trusted the person he was with.

Luke had suffered immeasurable trauma, but if he could trust Isabella with his feelings, then she could help him emotionally.

Isabella still hoped that the doctor would have some advice for her.

Just as Isabella was about to descend the stairs to go off in search of the post, she noticed the servants' doorway open. Mary emerged from the internal staircase and was heading towards Luke's bedroom. In her hand, she was holding a letter. Perhaps it was for Luke. He would need his letters read to him, after all.

"Good morning, Mary," Isabella greeted.

Mary jumped, startled. She clearly had not seen Isabella standing there. She clutched her chest and smiled slightly. "Oh, good morning, Mrs Cassidy. I did not see you there."

Isabella smiled. "I could take that letter to Luke," she volunteered, holding out her hand.

Mary nervously looked down at the letter. "Oh ..." she stammered.

"Is it your letter?" asked Isabella curiously. "Did you want to read it in private?" Before Mary had time to conceal the addressee on the letter, Isabella spied her name, or at least the letter 'I'. "Mary, is that letter addressed to me?" Isabella demanded to know.

After some spluttering and a little thought, Mary said, "It is intended for Captain Cassidy, I am quite sure."

"And what would bring you to make that assumption?" asked Isabella indignantly. "If my name is on the letter then one would assume that the letter is intended for me."

"It is from Captain Cassidy's hospital in London," protested Mary. "It concerns him."

Isabella placed her hands on her hips. "Mary, you have not been a member of the household staff here for very long, but I can assure you that any interference with our letters warrants you a stern warning from Housby." Isabella could not know for sure that Mary had been going to read the letter to Luke. She had been so coy when Isabella had mentioned wanting to write to the doctor. For all she knew, Mary had been planning on throwing the letter in the fire and nobody would have ever known. "If you are caught destroying any of our possessions, letters or otherwise, then your position will be terminated."

A mixture of emotions crossed Mary's face. Guilt and anger seemed to be the dominating feelings. "I told you there was no need to write to his doctor," Mary reiterated sternly.

"When I want your counsel, I will ask for it," snapped Isabella angrily. Did Mary think that she could conceal a letter from Luke's doctor because she had a right to? "Give me that letter right now," she ordered.

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