Waiting on the Other Side

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Chapter Seven

Toothiana was happy to see him "Jaack! Jack Frost" then she flew coming to him and she instantly hug him.

"Tooth!" Jack was just surprised and Sandy wave at him. "Ahaha! Sandy! And guys! Thanks! you came here for me!" Jack smiled at them.

"Of course Jack, we don't want you to leave here!" Toothiana pat him in the shoulder.

"Guys! Let's go back to our world now!" Jack said in hurry.

"Woah! Woah! Wait! you can't go back to our world yet." Bunnymund stopped him

"What? Why? What do you mean?" Jack was confuse.

"You can't go back Jack, unless you don't know what kind of guardian are you!" North said too.

"Damn it!" he whisper himself.

"So what are we gonna do?" Jack ask them.

"Help me to bring their faith back in Christmas before December 25th" North said and Sandy said something and he shows again picture on his head and Toothiana describe it.

"A boy, and up arrow sign?.." She keep on guessing and Sandy shake his head in No he point up and they look at it they saw nothing.

"What do you mean Sandy?" Bunnymund asked him and he shows picture on his head again.

it says A boy Then Sandy himself like he's flying then point Peter Pan. But every time they look back they see nothing.

Sandy get mad so all he have to do is to make a rope by himself and clutch Peter Pan and Sandy pull him and he put Peter in front of his fellow Guardian.

"You mean Peter?!" Jack looked straight at Peter. "Ehehehe.. Hi! Uh Ahem" Peter laughed nervously. "Are you a guardian too?" Toothiana asked him while she made a beautiful eyes from him.

"Guardian?" Peter laughed and Jack get mad at him so he hit Peter in ice. then he had been thrown away and slam him on the wall and he get stuck by the ice.

"Why are you here? Why are you following at me?" Jack pointed his staff on Peter's face.

"I just want to follow you that's all and I know you're amazing.. hehe?" Peter laughed nervously again.

"Aww.. Isn't he lovely? he said you're amazing.." Toothiana giggled.

"Uuh!" Jack said in mad voice. Jack immediately release Peter from the ice.

"..Look BabyTooth, Peter has his own fairy too! Do you wanna say 'Hi' to her?" Toothiana said to her fairy and BabyTooth talked some squeak noise and she wave to Tinker Bell and then they talked each other.

"Ooh! that's sweet! BabyTooth has now new Fairy friend, what's her name Peter?" Toothiana asked him "Her name is Tinker Bell, I called her Tink"

"Tinker Bell? So beautiful!"

"Tooth! let's go!" Jack said in mad voice. he hate Peter Pan so much because he just jealous and his laugh is sound so annoying for him.


Pitch is in the underworld and he keep on observing his globe. the lights are now shining brighter because many children believe at him in fear. "Yes! many of them will believe in fear! Hahaha" He laughed in an evil way.

"I can now feel my shadow that Jack Frost is here, and I'm excited to know and see him. I'll make him mine and he will help me to fail all the Guardians! Hahaha!"

*Back to Arendelle*

Elsa is still hoping that Jack will come and visit her every midnight.

"Three nights! Two days! Why Jack didn't come and visit me? I'm so tired to stay up all night just to sit here and wait for him. Now, I'm always alone in my room.. me and Anna will no longer to touch or play or talk each other because I'm afraid that maybe she will get hurt again.." Elsa is talking by herself and she's walking back and fourth.

"..But he is immune to my ice power and he's my only friend that I should touch and talk and loooove? he promised me that he will come back.." Elsa get mad right now and the ice started to crawled around the floor.

" ... But he didn't! he didn't! he didn't" Elsa runs to her bed and she cried.

Anna is happy to see her elder sister, Elsa. She missed her elder sister very much so she ran in front of Elsa's door and knock and started to sing

(Todler Anna) *knocks*

Do you wanna build a Snowman?

Come on let's go and play

I never see you anymore

Come out the door,

Its like you've have gone away..

She stop crying in her bed and she was happy to hear Anna's voice.

*Jack and Peter Conversation*

"Here's the deal Peter, if you want to come with us, you need to pretend that I am you. Do you understand me?" Jack told him.

"Why?" Peter asked him.

"Because I need to complete my mission, I want you to be pretend, so Pitch will never disturb me. And If I completed my mission, I will go back to our world."

"Who's Pitch?"

Peter wants to know more.

"You will just meet him someday"

Jack answered in angry tone.

*Back to Anna and Elsa*

Anna ran down again and played two dolls. the dolls are Anna and Elsa hugging each other and she sing:

We used to be best buddies

And now we're not

I wish you would tell me why

*She run again to Elsa's door*

Do you want to build a snowman?

*she whisper to the door knob"

It doesn't have to be a Snowman

Young Elsa: Go away, Anna

Toddler Anna: Okay, bye

*Anna get frowned and walks away"

"Sorry Anna I didn't mean to push you away from me" Elsa whisper herself.

Let it Go That One Was Mine(Jack Frost, Elsa, Rapunzel, Peter Pan, Disney)Where stories live. Discover now