Benefits System.

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Okay, let me let you on an info about an important system in Britain. It's called the Benefit System.
The benefits system provides practical help and financial support if you are unemployed and looking for work. It also provides you with additional income when your earnings are low, if you are bringing up children, are retired, care for someone, are ill or have a disability. (Explanation taken from nidirect website).

There is the disability living allowance for those who are disabled, not just physically though. Carers allowance for people looking after any disabled person. Housing benefits for people who don't have a house to live in. Job seeker's allowance and low income benefits, that means if you are unemployed and looking for a job, you will be given an allowance by the government, just to keep you going until you find  job.

There's also child benefit too. That's the one I think the government need to rethink the strategy. (Coming from a

If you don't know, this system, especially the child benefits is a topic of controversy in The UK because many people have different thoughts about it.

Right, so, as a British citizen, the government gives your children a certain amount of money weekly - I think it's weekly, I'm not sure though - and it's just because . . . well just because they're British children.

I think that's absolutely wonderful, to think that the government cares enough to do that.
But the problem is when people take it for granted. And trust me they do. You'll find women who keep on popping babies just for the sakes of it. Just because they know the government will care for each child. Some will have up to 10 children, even when they're not able to care for them, because they know that for each child they pop out, the government will give them money. Is it just me, or is that not stupid.

 Is it just me, or is that not stupid

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Ahnahn . . . madam close your legs, biko. Stop overpopulating the world because of your selfish reasons.

And they sit on their lazy arses, not even bothering to look for a job. The government will give them housing benefits, unemployment allowance, child benefits, maybe one or two of those children might be disabled, so, disability allowance too.

They will refuse to go to work, or they work only part-time, and they earn a limited amount of wages, so they still can be eligible to get some money for plenty benefits. Because the more money you earn, the less your benefits would be, so they'll rather stay idle.

Imagine . . .

All the tax payers money given to some lazy, selfish people. 

And another annoying thing is when parents try to by all means find something wrong with their children, so they can also get disability allowance too. They try to self-diagnose their children, finding every excuse to say, "Oh he's dyslexic," "he has ADHD," "he has this," "he has that." 

I know some of these disabilities are real and my heart truly goes out for those suffering from it. but there are some, you can just tell that the parents are enforcing it on the children, because they could do with the disability allowance they'd get out of it. You can see the child is fine and okay, but they'll say, "Oh he's a little monster at home, I think he might have ADHD,"  I know this because I work with children and I see what happens.

See, as a Nigerian, when I first heard about all of these eh, the first thing that came to my mind was "How freaking lucky are these people."


Which kind benefits or allowance? They've not even finished giving somebody common light, it's now benefits. 


If you like get 15 children, madam na you open your leg, so you'll care for them. Did the government impregnate you or where they there when you were in your bedroom having fun?

You are On Your Own. OYO!

In Nigeria there is no benefit system. Bene what?

There is no system at all sef. There is no help from the government. They don't care about anyone. Everyone is hustling for themselves, doing their own things to make a living. If you want to go and wait for the government . . . sorry for you.  So British people, you are lucky.

Very Lucky!!!

This is not me saying that the whole benefit system is rubbish. I love the fact that the Government cares for the people and in reality, that's how it's suppose to be. Our Nigerian Government need to take note on how it's done. It's just that they should  really make sure that it's fair for everyone.

Anyway, on another note, it's Valentine's day today. Happy Valentine's day everyone! How are you celebrating?

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