Chapter 6

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Ares's POV

I walked towards her room, and opened the door, and saw her taking off her dress. She was in her pink lingerie in front of me, and I cursed softly.

"What are you doing in here? Get out!" She yelled, trying to cover herself up with the dress she took off.

"I'm not leaving until you talk to me." I said firmly.

"There's nothing for us to talk."

"What did Sabine said to you?"

"Nothing for you to know." She said and I crossed my arms, staring at her, telling her from my actions that I'm not going to leave. She sighed.

"She was just talking about my transformation. From a tomboy to a girl."

"And you cried because of that?" I said plainly.

"I wasn't crying."

"Then why is your eyes red? So is your nose?" I asked sternly, and she looked away, thinking what to say. I know her well enough to know that she's lying.

"Just go, Ares. I'm tired. And I want to change." She said softly.

"What did she say, Celeste?" I said as I walked towards her.

I stood right in front of her and her grip on her dress tightened.

"Celeste." I said strictly.

"She was just telling me how you used to make fun of me to her."

"What? Cel, I've never...."

"Please Ares. I don't think she was lying. How dare you tell her that I had a male organ?" She said. Damn it! That!

"Celeste. I meant that as a joke."

"Yeah, you joke about me behind my back. And there were other things too right. Like, no matter what I do, or how I dress, I'll always be a boy."

"Hey, that wasn't exactly what I said, alright."

"You know, I wouldn't have mind if you had made fun of me in front of me. But talking like this behind my back?"

"Celeste. I'm sorry. I really am. I didn't mean any of it. And I don't always used to make fun of you. It's just...."

"It's okay, Ares. Just go. Leave me alone." She said.

"When have I ever left you alone?"

"Ares." She said seriously.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, Celeste. I am sorry." I said, and she remained quiet, looking down.

I never used to make fun of her. There was just this one time where Sabine jokingly asked me if I had checked for a male organ and I said I have yet to and we laughed. We were young and stupid. But that treacherous woman made it seem like I said it.

No. I'm not going to let Sabine spoil our night. This was supposed to be a beautiful night for me and Celeste. I'm not going to let her ruin it.

Celeste was looking at everywhere but me.

"Sabine told me something today. Something that I never knew. Something that you've never told me. Something I should have known years ago." I said after a few seconds of silence, and she looked at me with her eyes widened as she knew what I meant.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about?" She said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Really?" I began taking few steps closer to her, and she moved back.

"Ares." She said softly.

"So... you find me extremely handsome?" I asked and she opened her mouth only to close it back.

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