Uncle? (3)

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Chapter 3

Rose headed home, after a particularly tiring day at school. Grabbing a ride from one of her friends, she managed to get to her house without meeting Evan. She sniffed the air, taking in the delicious smell of cookies. Mom was making cookies. Shouting a greeting to her mother; she ran upstairs to her room and flopped down on the bed.

“Safely home,” she muttered into the sheets. Her mind flashed back to the day’s events and gave a frustrated groan. What is wrong with that guy?

As soon as her chemistry class had ended, she had rushed out of the lab, intent on reaching her next class without Evan. And she hadn’t given a damn about her glasses, having decided that she would get a new pair. But, as everything was against her today, she had to slam onto someone while rushing. And that person had to be the school’s queen, Kimberly.

Her books had slipped to the floor and she had to pick them up, embarrassed, while Kimberly laughed at her. When Kimberly laughed, everyone else followed. The hall was full of taunting laughter. And things got worse when Evan caught up with her.

He had given her one look and said, “That’s what happens when you go without your glasses.” He had held them high up in front of her and flicked her nose with his finger. Then he had gone off, leaving her in the mercy of the girls in the corridor. She had gaped at him, wondering what he was doing, provoking them by flicking her nose. Kimberly had stopped laughing by then and started to glare at her.

“Why are your glasses with Evan?” she had demanded. Rose felt the girls closing in. She felt trapped like a rabbit and managed to lie saying, “They aren’t mine,” before high-tailing it out of there.

Then she had to endure the shoves and cat-calls, the glares and mutterings throughout the day. By the time the rumors had circulated and reached her, she was fed up. There were many versions of the story and none of them were remotely true. Her friends had been amused with this and kept her updated on every rumor. In the end, she escaped to the library for some peace and quiet until the end of the day.

She thumped the pillow, recalling a few of the rumors. “This is so embarrassing,” she said to the pillow. Kicking her shoes off, she climbed to the middle of the bed, curling into a ball. What should she do now? She couldn’t afford to tarnish her clean record. She had to be focus on her goal, on gaining the position of student council president. Her academics were excellent. Her sports were average, with her participating in the annual sports meet and being in the badminton team helped. Her behavior was excellent, with no black marks and she couldn’t let something like this ruin it. She had to do something before it worsened. Rumors spread like wild-fire and a lot of damage would be done if she didn't interfere.

As she was considering options, she heard the doorbell ring and didn't bother getting up. Let Mom see to it. She lolled around the bed for a few minutes when she heard her mother’s high-pitched giggle. Rose sat bolt right up. Mom was giggling. Not good. She went to her door and tiptoed to the landing, straining for their voices. There was a giggle again and her mom said happily, “Oh stop it!”

She stiffened. What the hell? And then she heard the laughing voice of a male. A man? What was a man doing here? A co-worker? A frown came to her face as she tried to place the voice. Who was this man trying to charm her mom?


Panicking slightly, she dashed downstairs and looked around. The living room was empty. Kitchen. She whipped her head towards the voices and raced to it, popping her head through the doorway.

She gawked at the sight. Evan Morris was at their kitchen table, nibbling on a cookie, her mom chattering with him.

“Wha—what are you doing here?” she shrieked.

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