23. Back To The Familiar

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"Peter! Peter!" Peter heard a muffled voice shouting as he lay on his back. He looked straight up and only saw the ruffling of the leaves in the high tree canopy above him. His vision flowed from focused to blurred and back to focused again. For that minute, Peter lost all sense of self and his surroundings.

Between the muffled shouting and the blurred vision, Peter was as lost as a soul in the river Styx. He frowned when a dark figure suddenly blocked the warm sun from his face. "Peter! We need to go!" Edmund said in panicked tone as he stood over Peter.

"Wha..." Peter started mumbling.

"Oh never mind! Come, let me help you up," Edmund said as he bent over and grabbed Peter by his arm. Peter staggered to his feet, and immediately leaned against the trunk of a tree.

"What happened?" Peter finally managed to ask.

"Well, our horses swerved to miss the other carriage. But they swerved a little too quickly. Our carriage rolled and threw most of us off. You hit your head right there," Edmund said and pointed to the base of the tree. Peter frowned and looked down.

"Father! This one is stuck! We cannot free him!" Simon shouted from across the road as he stood on the side turned carriage. Henry stood next to the carriage and Jasper was bent down next to it.

"Aye sir! Monty is good 'n stuck in there!" Henry shouted. Peter pushed himself away from the tree and almost fell backwards as he staggered to find his balance.

"Son..." Edmund said concerned.

"I will be fine. We need to help Monty," Peter said and staggered to the over turned carriage. When he reached the carriage, Simon helped him to climb up. Peter kneeled down on one knee and he looked inside.

Monty was on his side with his foot out the bottom window and trapped under the carriage. Peter immediately jumped up and off the carriage.

"Simon. Everybody. We need lift the carriage," Peter said loudly. Simon jumped off the carriage and next to Peter.

"Do you know heavy this thing is?" Simon asked.

"Just enough for him to pull his foot free," Peter said.

"Quite possibly, that foot could be broken," Edmund chimed in. Peter looked at Edmund and just nodded.

"Right! Everybody on this side!" Simon said as he walked to the roof of the carriage. He was shortly joined by Peter, Edmund, Henry and Jasper. The five of them all bent down and secured their grip on the carriage.

"Ready? And lift!" Simon shouted. They all strained themselves lifting the carriage. The carriage only lifted a few inches off the ground.

"Monty! Are you free yet?" Peter shouted.

"No! A little more!" Monty shouted from inside.

"Gentlemen! On three, heave! One! Two! Three! HEAVE!" Peter shouted as loud he could. Jasper, Henry and Peter lifted as hard as they could. That in turn inspired Simon and Edmund to push themselves as hard as they could.

"Blast! Monty?!" Peter shouted between his teeth as the strain was over powering him.

"Free! I am free!" Monty shouted from inside. As if by a telepathic link, all five of them let go of the carriage together. The carriage fell back down with a hard thud. Simon jumped up onto the carriage and helped Peter up. They both kneeled down and reached inside for Monty. Monty grabbed their arms and tried to stand. The second he tried to stand, he let go of their arms and yelled out in pain.

"Monty?!" Peter exclaimed.

"My foot. I think it is broken," Monty replied.

"Doctor?" Peter said as he looked at Edmund.

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