2. The Deal

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There were two candles burning on a small table beneath a round porthole against the cabin wall opposite the door. On each side of the cabin was a bunk bed. The bunks were covered with old raggedy sheets that have seen better days.

Peter and Nathan were sitting next to each other on one of the bunks. The door creaked open and Malcolm walked in, holding two bowls. He handed the bowls to the boys.

"Father..." Peter started saying.

"Just eat," Malcolm said while smiling. Peter and Nathan started eating slowly.

They were eating something between a broth and a stew and both boys had to force it down. Malcolm closed the door and sat down on the bunk opposite them. "When you are done eating, try to sleep."

Peter took the last bite and put the bowl on the small table beside the bunk. "Father." He said while shuffling. "What is going to happen?"

"And where is mother?" Asked Nathan before wiping his mouth.

Peter turned to Nathan and quickly said, "mother is back at the house, baking sweetcake for us." A tear roll down his cheek.

"Are you crying Peter?" Asked Nathan.

Peter quickly wiped it away and said, "No. This stew was just so awful." Nathan chuckled while Peter had to force a smile.

Peter looked at his father again. "Father. Why are we on this ship?"

Malcolm looked at him. "We will talk tomorrow. Sleep now. Tomorrow we leave Port Royal and meet the captain." Malcolm stood up and helped Nathan into the other bunk. He tucked Nathan in then turned to Peter. "Do not fear my son. There is a brave man inside of you. Just close your eyes and find him."

Malcolm stood up, blew out the candles and walked out the cabin, closing the door behind him. Peter just lied in the bunk. He felt the ship rocking with the ocean waves. The wood moaning from the water stress. And in the far distance, a soft crying of people in agony.

The next morning. Peter woke up to find Nathan standing next to the bed and staring out the porthole. Peter frowned and mumbled to Nathan as he was sitting up, "What are you looking at?"

Nathan looked at Peter and smiled. He then looked back through the porthole. "Peter, you must see this."

"See what?" Peter asked trying to wake himself up.

"Come. Look." Insisted Nathan. Peter slowly climbed out of bed, and looked out the porthole. They saw their old town of Port Royal in the far distance, just before the horizon.

Both stared out at the distant land as they were both born in Port Royal and have never seen the town from sea.

The door opened and Malcolm stepped through. "Good. You are both awake." The boys turned around and saw their father standing with bread. "You two better eat up and make yourself look respectable. We are meeting the captain in a little while,"  Malcolm said as he handed each of them half a loaf of bread. Peter and Nathan forced the bread down, then straightened their clothes and hair.

There was a knock on the door. Malcolm opened the door and saw John Matheson, the quartermaster.  He was a tall, well-built man with sharp features and dark hair. He was wearing tight black trousers with a loose-fitting white shirt. He had a belt tied around his waist with his cutlass attached to it. There was a red scarf tied around his right upper arm and a small cross hanging from his left ear. Six out of his ten fingers were decorated in rings of silver and gold.

"Good morning mister Ives. Mister Ives. Mister Ives," John said as he looked Malcolm, Peter and Nathan respectively in the eyes.

"Good morning mister Matheson." Malcolm said. He looked at Peter and Nathan and said, "Say good morning to mister Matheson."

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