18. The Rat and a Bag of Flour

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John, Daniel and Cuttleworth were still in the longboat on their way back to the Blackwall. "Row like you have never done so before, mister Cuttleworth!" John ordered as he watched the Path Finder approach the Blackwall.

"Aye sir!" Cuttleworth blurted out between his heavy breathing. When they reached the Blackwall, Tsu had the rope ladder ready for them. John climbed up first, then helped up by Tsu to get back on deck.

"What about the longboat?" Daniel shouted as Cuttleworth started to climb.

"Leave it," Charlotte barked as she walked towards them. Daniel climbed up, but tied one end of a rope to the longboat and held on to the other end. He climbed up the rope ladder and once he was on deck, he tied the other end of the rope to a railing post.

"Mister James, full sails!" Charlotte shouted once all three were on board.

"Aye captain!" Francis shouted from halfway up the mast and proceeded to release the sails. The sails dropped as they unfolded and the ship creaked loudly as she adjusted to the sudden wind thrust.

"Where is he?" Horatio shouted from across the deck as he quickly walked over to John.

"Cook. We had to leave, that ship is almost upon us," John said.

"But you swore to bring him back," Horatio demanded. Tsu stepped closer and stared intently at John.

"Listen. We had to leave him. For his safety and ours. He is safe. We left him with the surgeon," John explained.

"How exactly is he safe? The port was overrun with pirates last we saw," Tsu insisted.

"Yes, but not anymore, they left as well," John said.

"Yes? And how can you be sure about that?" Horatio asked.

"Because, my dear cook, they are all after us now," John said and pointed to the Path Finder closely behind them. Horatio turned his head and looked at the approaching ship, he then looked back at John and stared at him for a second.

Suddenly, Horatio grabbed John's arm and pulled him down with one hand and drew a carving knife with the other. He held the knife to John's throat and said, "I respect and love you as my first mate, but if anything happens to that boy, you will answer to me."

Horatio let go of John and took a step back as he tucked the carving knife away. "Mister Edwards, take him to the brig!" Charlotte ordered from the upper deck.

Daniel started to walk towards Horatio when John waved his hand out to Daniel and said, "Belay that. That will not be necessary. I would have done the same, given the circumstances." John turned and walked towards the staircase. "Besides, there are things more important to concern ourselves with and too few hands to do it." He said as he climbed the staircase.

Horatio walked over to the rail, followed by Tsu. "We must get him back," Horatio said as he looked at the Path Finder.

"We will cook. I promise you that," Tsu reassured him. The sun was setting over the horizon and the Blackwall glided over the water as if there was no resistance at all. She did was she was built for with an almost unmatched speed.

Although the Blackwall was nearly unmatched, the Path Finder was ever present behind her. Sometimes a mere black spot on the horizon, sometimes closer, but ever present. Charlotte and John stood at the rear of the ship, always keeping an eye on the unwanted tail. "How are we going to lose them?" Charlotte thought out loud.

"Push this ship to her limits?" John suggested.

"I fear that might not be enough," Charlotte said and looked at the Path Finder again "we have been pushing and that blasted ship just stays behind us."

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