Chapter 15

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"What the fuuuuuuck!" Gabe stopped in the doorway. His mouth hung open enough that if anyone had passed by they could have seen his vocal cords.

"Get the fuck out of the way, Gabe." Nathan elbowed Gabe out of the doorway so that he could walk in. His eyes popped open as he took in the sight before him.

The store was a cavernous warehouse stuffed to the rafters with baby furniture and supplies. Everywhere that Nathan's eyes roamed, he was met with racks of baby clothes, shelves filled with boxes that had babies on them, and displays of cribs, strollers, and what even looked like a bicycle trailer. He had never seen so many baby things. Erika had only had the basics for Jessica. She would have never had...was that a nighttime bottle warmer on the shelf by Gabe's head?


Victor and Kota pushed on the backs of both Gabe and Nathan as they tried to move them out of the way. "What's the hold up?" Victor shrugged his shoulders as he looked to Kota for an answer.

Kota shrugged and pushed his way around Nathan. He looked around and had the same feeling of being overwhelmed. 2-4-8-16-32... Kota used his counting to try to school his facial features. It wouldn't do to have him lose his cool so soon after the parking lot incident. It was bad enough that Gabe and Nathan were still dumbstruck.

Victor followed Kota around the outside of Nathan. "Wow. That's a lot of baby stuff. Good thing you have a list Gabe. Gabe?" When Victor didn't receive an immediate answer he pushed on Gabe's shoulder while waving his black credit card in Gabe's face.

Gabe shook his head. "Wh-what? Oh. Yeah. Umm. List. Right." He pulled out his phone and opened up the note where he had listed the things that Mr. Blackbourne had told him to get.

Victor and Kota chuckled as they watched Gabe try to pull himself together.

"So, what's first Gabe?" Kota motioned to the phone.

Gabe took a big breath, held it in for a second, and then blew it out. He shook his head and then his shoulders. He stretched his intertwined fingers out in front of him to stretch before he cracked his knuckles. With a determined and focused look on his face he turned to Nathan. "Grab a cart. First thing on the list is two infant car seats. Come on." With a motion of his arm, Gabe stomped off down the aisle looking for car seats.

Kota rolled his eyes as Victor smirked. The two followed behind Gabe with Nathan following pushing the shopping cart.

Halfway down the main aisle, Gabe made a left turn into a narrower aisle. Either side of the aisle displayed car seats in different styles and colours. The four boys looked down the aisle and realized that there was a second aisle filled with more car seats.
"How do we choose?" Nathan slumped against the cart.

Gabe was too busy looking at styles and colours to answer. Kota pulled out his phone. "I guess we should start by looking at reviews and safety ratings."

Victor pulled out his phone and started to research the car seats on the right side of the aisle.

"What the fuck is an infant car seat? They all say infant or infant/child seat. Some are rear facing. Some are fucking convertible; whatever that means." Gabe pushed the blond sections of his hair behind his ears as he continued onto the second aisle of car seats.

"According to the safety reports, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Consumers guide to car seats, babies up to two years of age should remain in rear facing car seats unless they meet the height and weight restrictions listed on the car seat." Kota ran his hand along the back of his neck as he read the information on the car seat that he was standing next to.

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