Chapter 14

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A/N This chapter is Gabe heavy so it will have lots of language. You have been warned. 😉 Thank you all for the votes and comments, they keep a smile on my face all week long! This has been unedited since I wanted to give you all something to read.

Kota and Victor were driving back to Victor's house when Dr. Green had called Kota. Victor had finished his rehearsal for the concert in the park without any further incidents thanks to the quick work of Mr. B and Kota. Initially after Mr. B had left for the emergency meeting, the conductor had tried to through his weight around since he had heard the news that there wasn't going to be another Victor Morgan album in the near future. It seemed that Victor's father had cut some back room deals with him as well. Kota may not have been Mr. B, but he wasn't the team lead for nothing. He was able to put the conductor in his place allowing the rest of the rehearsal to run smoothly.

"Change in plans, Vic," Kota told him as the phone was put back in Kota's pant pocket. "We need to swing by the diner to pick up Gabe for a shopping run for Mr. B."

It was a little weird that Dr. Green had been calling instead of Mr. B if the trip was for him, but within this family, they were used to the unexpected happening. Sang's arrival was the only truly unexpected thing that they had ever had to deal with and since they had survived that experience, they figured that they could handle anything that life threw at them.

"Do we know what we are buying?" asked Vic, hoping to get an idea of where they were going to have to go. Normally the family gave him the night off before a concert and even tried to keep their own jobs to a minimum since they knew how stressed performing made him. It was strange that there had been so much unexpected job activity today considering the fact that they were all on leave. He wondered if this shopping trip had anything to do with the job that Dr. Green had asked him to do earlier. So far he hadn't had any hits with facial recognition which was a little surprising. He hadn't even had a chance to send Dr. Green the picture of the young lady that he had been quickly able to isolate since that was all the information that he had. He needed to remember to do that soon.

"All I know is that Gab will tell us when we pick him up," replied Kota.

The two of them sat in silence, each lost in their own thoughts, for the rest of the drive to the diner.


Nathan and Gabe were waiting outside the diner when Victor and Kota pulled up. The two of them walked quickly to the car and got into the backseat.

"I thought that we were just picking you up, Gabe," asked Kota in his I want answers and I want them now voice. It was amazing how Kota, who not physically intimidating, looked nerdish, and was quiet, was able to channel Mr. B so easily. He just had to ask something nicely and the guys were basically spilling their guts. The only person who seemed to be able to resist this trait was Sang, but even she couldn't resist Mr. B himself.

"Fucking change of plans. Nathan was the only fucker left here with me since the other fuckers already left so Mr. B said that he need to fucking come," replied Gabe.

Kota turned around to give Gabriel a questioning stare since he hadn't fully disclosed what was going on, but Gabriel just smirked back. He knew that he had a shopping list that was going to freak the guys out and he wanted to wait to tell them. He wanted some drama after nearly fainting when he heard the list. He couldn't be the only weak one of the group.

Realizing that Gabe wasn't going to say anything more until he was ready, Kota turned back to face forward, the proper and safe sitting position while driving in a car.

Victor turned the car around and started to go back towards the city when he realized that he didn't know where he was going. "Where to, Gabe?" he asked.

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