Chapter 11

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Hunter's walkie-talkie was stuffed in his pocket and he didn't hear the static when Sheldon tried to call. Inside the brick-and-cement structure of the Lodge, the signal was too weak to connect and all that came through was a short burst of static.

Hunter, Jacob and Alexis were facing Mr. Bogart while he talked. Mr. Higgins stood between them and the door.

The conversation had been pleasant enough. Hunter thought it was interesting that Mr. Bogart never asked why they were there or how they found him. Instead, he gave them the company line on the Lodge. "It was a private club for professional men in the town, organized to provide food drives and other charity events for the community and took it upon themselves, as part of their club charter, to help the widows, orphans and those down on their luck." He told them that membership was by invitation only and that the members list was kept private.

"So if your club serves the community, was are you so secretive?" Hunter asked.

"The members of our organization do not seek any glory or honors for their deeds. All the deeds we perform are done in secret to protect both the recipient and the donor," Mr. Bogart responded proudly. "You must know the scripture from the book of Matthew, chapter six, verse one?" Mr. Bogart eyed Hunter, waiting for a response.

"Sure, but go ahead and tell my friends," Hunter said, not wanting to let on that he didn't know that scripture by heart.

"To paraphrase, it says, 'Do not be seen bringing yours alms, or offerings, otherwise your reward comes from men and not from our heavenly Father. Instead, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving is in secret and the Father who sees the secret things, will give you your reward.'"

"So it's about being humble?" Hunter asked. That word had been written on his fragment piece.

"In a sense. Men can become boastful of their giving, but the Brotherhood prides itself on doing good deeds without the need for earthly reward," Mr. Bogart answered.

"But having pride is not being humble," Alexis interjected.

Mr. Bogart turned his attention to her. "Right you are, young lady. But there is good pride and bad pride. Our pride in kept in check by our humility."

"Does that even make sense?" Jacob asked, testing Mr. Bogart's patience.

"I've talked enough. What brings you all out tonight to visit our humble Lodge?" Mr. Bogart asked, heavily emphasizing the word.

Hunter wondered if it bothered Mr. Bogart that he and his friends were able to find him and learn about the Brotherhood. It felt good to turn the tables on Mr. Bogart after he caught him by surprise, showing up at Hunter's church.

"I wanted to see what all the mystery was in a place like this," Hunter said.

"Yeah, can you show us around?" Alexis asked.

"No mystery. Just a meeting place for our social club, like I have been telling you," Mr. Bogart responded. He seemed unmoved by the request and in his dry, monotone voice continued, "I'm afraid showing you around won't be possible."

"Why not?" Alexis was quick to shoot back.

"Yeah, what're ya hiding back there?" Jacob added.

"Nothing nefarious, I assure you, but we do guard our privacy very strictly," Mr. Bogart said before turning his attention back to Hunter. "So, have you considered my offer?"

"Not really," Hunter said, trying to match Mr. Bogart's dry tone.

"That's too bad. I was hoping when I saw you here that you were bringing me the piece of the map."

Map Seekers: The BrotherhoodWhere stories live. Discover now