Asylum of Peace?

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About 30 minutes pass by, and I'm very bored. I would just lean my head against the wall and think of Stacey as time went on. Than all of a sudden, one of the staff opened my door.

"Time to see some daylight Nick" she said.

I got up, and headed towards the door, as I went out the door into the hallway I heard screams. Some coming from close, and some coming from afar. I was confused, so I asked her a question.

"Why are people screaming?" I said in confusion.

"Some of the people here are very mentally ill, and some have been here forever. Just don't even make eye contact with anyone for too long, or they might take it as if you want to fight them." She said with a cautious voice.

I was wandering if she was telling the truth, or if she was just lying to protect the asylum. I felt like these people were being held here against there will. I mean that girl that was across from my door earlier, she looked scared to death. She didn't look ill, she looked very scared. We're these people here trying to make us think we're crazy when in reality we're not? Again, I shouldn't think that. They do seem like very nice people, but I still don't know yet what's going on exactly.

As we walked down the hallways every now and than we would pass a big window. I would stare outside for a moment and I saw dead trees, and a fountain that looked liked it was broke. Looked sketchy, especially if this asylum is suppose to be a very good asylum. Really, the "Asylum of Peace?" What was that even suppose to me. I felt like they named it that so people would get the vibe it was a good, safe mental asylum. Well smart people like me didn't buy that bull crap.

Once we got to the door that led outside she said "you'll get about one hour outside. During this time you must stay inside the fences at all times. If you try to escape we will use force to bring you back here. Do you understand?"

This sounds like a prison, I thought to myself. But I listened, and said. "Yes ma'am"

She smiled, and opened the door. I stepped outside, and the sun was covered by a thick cloud in the sky, casting a dark shadow over the asylum. I saw a few people just sitting down talking to themselves. Than I saw someone with cuts all over there arms, and the person looked at me and stared me down with the creepiest look ever.

"Ok I'm going to stay away from all these people like the lady said, I'm not going near them." I said frantically.

If I've been here for a long time like these people claim, why was I terrified of these people? Wouldn't I be use to them by now? I wish I could have all my questions answered. I was very confused. I went up to the fence, and looked through it. The road leading away from the asylum looked very pleasing, and I wanted to hop the fence, and run off away from this place. But I knew they would catch me, hell I was already being watched from the staff. I turned around and saw a person staring at me. "Yep I knew it..." I said with a sigh.

I just wanted to talk with the warden, I wanted to demand more answers from him. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy though, so I doubt he's holding me here against my own will. I didn't know what I was going to do for a hour outside. I was happy to be outside and out of the asylum, but I wasn't happy because I was surround by the fences surrounding the asylum. So it was almost useless to even come outside unless you needed fresh air.

Someone was walking up to me, the person was a guy that looked about my age. He had a black eye, and he had some scratches on his arms. He approached me and said "what's your story man"

I was scared of this guy at first, but it just sounded like he wanted to engage in convo, so I answered him. "Apparently, I killed my girlfriend on my birthday, 7 years ago in 2016. At least that's what the warden told me."

"Aw I see, we'll do you believe that happened, do you recall that happening?" The man said in wonder.

"Well, um.....well I mean yeah I guess. It was so long ago, so it's hard to remember. All I could remember was that day was my birthday, and it was such a good day. Until the fire happened, but I just can't remember much about it. Why do you ask?" I said.

"Hmmmmm, I was just wandering my good sir. I've been here at this facility for 15 years now. If I see someone new here, I always think to myself, do they look like they belong here? Usually it's a yes, but for you, it's a no. You look like a good person, troubled, but only troubled by the drugs they've been feeding you here and the crap they've been telling you." He said.

I thought to myself, this guy looks like a bad person, but he seems very nice. Why is he here? Also he could be right about everything he just said. *note to self, don't take the pills anymore*

Anyways, I decided to ask him why he's here.

"Why are you here? If I may ask" I said nervously.

"I woke up one day, strapped to a chair. People all around me. I think I was suppose to be knocked out because one person said "give him another dose" and after that I don't remember much. I just remember waking up in a hospital bed, and I looked around only to be greeted with stone walls. I was very confused myself, but than the doctor came in, along with the warden. I asked them what I was doing here, and the warden explained I had almost killed myself. He went on to say how and why I did it, but than he said that he took me into the asylum for my own good. He said he would take care of me, and here I am 15 years later" the man said.

That definently  sounded sketchy, I was starting to believe this place was a crazy mental asylum, not a "Asylum of Peace", but a "Asylum of Insanity". I asked the man what was his name.

"My name is Jeff" the man had said. I assumed they told you that you've been here for a while huh? Just asking because I've never seen you around here.

"Yes, they told me I was admitted here a few days after my birthday. That was 7 years ago, if they are telling the truth." I said.

"Well I'll tell you what, I've never seen you here before, and I'm a trusted patient. Meaning I get more time outside than most people. I'm sorry Nick, but it seems like you will be here for a while. If you truly don't believe you killed your girlfriend I respect that. Again I'm not saying this asylum is horrible. They do take care of me, but at the same time there is reason to believe there making us seem crazy, when in reality most of us aren't. Anyways I gotta get going now, you take care Nick." He said as he walked away.

"You take care too Jeff" I said as he walked away...

He provided me with a lot of information, and now I have even more reason to believe these guys are full of shit. I will talk with the warden and I will demand answers from him. Maybe I'll even catch him in a lie, I thought to myself. I went up to one of the staff, and asked if I could speak to the warden. He radioed the warden, and a few seconds later the warden said that I could come in. Alright, I'll lead you there. I followed the man as we went back inside the asylum. As we were walking I was thinking of ways I could catch him lying, and I had some good questions. If this guy doesn't stutter or anything than maybe I'll believe that he is a good man, and I'm the crazy person.

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