Drama Class

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Author's Note: Hiiiii I'm back! Sorry I haven't updated since... *counts on fingers, pauses and thinks, counts on toes* Umm... *pulls out calculator* A long time. Like, a month and a half. So, I didn't get a chance to wish you all a happy Valentine's Day (Gooeypants25 TELL MEEEEEE WHO IT IS). And after performing my monologue and giving the tomato speech, I finally realized that I forgot all about drama class. The class. Not drama. Those are two different things. Also, I'll be adding to Sleepless Nights soon. And no, she doesn't just have insomnia.

Plays. Monologues. Performances. It all adds up to... Drama class.

At our school (me and some other Wattpad users), we have to perform a monologue. A monologue is a small speech given by one character. Everyone hated it, but I probably hated it the most. I spent as much time as I could to memorize it. Fortunately, I didn't forget my lines, but I had no emotion in them. I'll be receiving my reviews tomorrow, so I'll post an update on how that went.

UPDATE: PEOPLE ACTUALLY LIKED MY PERFORMANCE! I got ratings mostly between 3 and 4 (out of 4), and the teacher gave me a 3.5. All of that editing was totally worth it.

Most introverts hate drama class. The first thing I do is sit in the back of the room and avoid all attention.

Performing is tough. Here are some tips to avoid messing up:

1. Practice your lines. The more you practice, the less likely you are to blank.

2. Memorize your lines in small chunks.

3. Remember that everyone else is probably nervous about the  performance too.

4. Remember to be confident. 

5. Don't stare at your audience. Pretend that no one's watching.

Good luck. Break a leg! And an arm! And your neck! And the collarbone! And all other bones!

Author's Note, Again: Hi guys! Completed this book. Sorry that there's only 5 chapters.

Aaaaaand here comes the cheesy ending: It's okay to be an introvert, or an extrovert, but don't be a pervert.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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