The Cafeteria

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Thanks to Blueshadows17 for this chapter's idea!

Lunch. It's probably everyone's favorite "subject" in school. Unless you still have recess. Then you still have time to flirt with the people you like. Haha, just kidding.

Introverts are good with lunch, unless they don't have a friend to sit with. I, personally, have 2 or 3 days in my schedule where I can't eat with my friends. I sit next to other people I know but don't talk to, and it just gets weird. And all I'm thinking is, "I wish I brought a book. Any book. Even Twilight (sorry if I offended any Twihards). Any book that'll help me avoid these awkward mo- oh, hey, look! My crush is sitting right there, and I'm the first thing he sees in his field of vision! Look awayyyyyyyyyyyyyy... must... resist..." and then it gets really weird. So weird I don't know how to describe it. Aaaand lunch is over.

Okay, quick mental break. Anyone that can name this song is tagged in this chapter. Submit your guess in the comment section. And don't try googling it, it doesn't work.

"Pretty lies and poison in your eyes, you like 'em heartless,

You found me, so perfectly naive, and then you took me down,

______ to leather, yeah, you'd better change forever,"

That blank space was there because I have no idea what the lyrics are right there.

Here, try another one. That one was too hard.

"Sorry I don't really see this working out,


I just can't do this right now.

No easy way to say this and I don't know how,


But here goes letting you down."

The blank lines are to keep you guys from simply googling it.

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