Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

The feeling of helplessness one gets when they are unable to do the most basic of things is an indescribable obstruction. As soon as Seb left the bathroom not only was I beyond embarrassed, but also extremely frustrated. I wasn't a two year old child for god's sake I was an eighteen year old who couldn't even put on her own underwear. Yes, I know there are plenty of people in the world who depend on others to do such tasks for them, but I shouldn't have to! Especially if the person I was depending on was Seb.

I slowly rose up from the step stood and sighed. Why did these things always happen to me? No the better questions was why did these things always happen to me when Seb was around? It was almost like he had a sixth sense of when I was going to have my most embarrassing moments and he just decides to show up then. I groaned as I took a few steps towards the door. I couldn't face Seb. Not after what he had just done.

'You're being pathetic Ana', a little voice inside my head told me, and I agreed with it. I was blowing this whole thing out of proportion. Seb has probably had more experience handling panties, than I did. To him helping me put on my panties was probably about the same as making eggs for me for breakfast. It was just a task he had to do. So why was I getting so worked up about it? Because I have never had a guy even hold my underwear, let alone put it on me. I knew I couldn't stay in the bathroom forever. I was just going to go out there and pretend like nothing happened. Taking a deep breath in, I walked out into my room. I was surprised to see that Seb wasn't there. Considering that as a blessing I slowly crawled into bed and got myself under the covers. The pain meds were working their magic and making me tried, but I wasn't sleepy. I reached for my phone and was shocked to see that it was already late into the evening. I quickly shot Chance a message telling him that I won't be at school tomorrow either. He replied instantly asking me to video chat.

I pulled the laptop from my side table onto my bed and fired it up. It took a few seconds for the system to load up before I had a chance to click on the video chat icon.

"Hey Ana." Chance's voice boomed through the computer speakers. Cringing, I quickly turned down the volume on the laptop.

"Hi Chancy." I told him with a smile.

"Ana, I leave you alone for a second and you end up in the hospital for days!If you wanted my attention all you had to do was ask." He said shaking his head with a mockery of a frown.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Yes, that's what it was. I just couldn't handle the thought of not being the center of your attention for every second of every day. That's why I willed my appendix to burst." I said dramatically.

Chance made a face that I think was supposed to look appalled. "Uh, you are just too clingy for me. We can't be together anymore."

I laughed at him and then I groaned as the pain radiated through me.

"Don't laugh Ana, it makes the pain worst." Chance reminded me cheekily.

"Geez thanks Chance." I told him adjusting myself better on the bed.

"Seriously though, how did you let it go till it burst?" Chance's face was completely somber now, no hint of laughter anywhere.

I shrugged at him, not sure if he could see it thought. "I just thought it was because of the alcohol." I told him the truth, well partly.

Chance sighed and looked at me with concern. "I knew I shouldn't have left you."

I giggled at that. "Chancy it wouldn't have mattered where I was; the appendix was going to burst either way."

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