A promise to be made and a siren??

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Sorry for not updating this book, I have many things to do at school and I have 3 books to be done and finished so yeah 



Involve peeps: Blueselot TyrantRex01


(Y/N)'s POV

Classic Sans kept chatting with Black as I am sitting at the couch, doing nothing at all. Them 4 humans, kept looking at me. I didn't quite trust them, they look like they are going to trick me, Sans, and The Gaster's. But Alice is THE daughter of Gaster she wouldn't lie to her own father. After that long thought, Elliot came up to me as he motioned me to follow him. Well, being a curious child I kinda followed him as I was ushered to their group and was whispered something that I wouldn't expect.

"(Y/N), can you promise us something?? Can you help us to go back to our present timelines??" Alice looks at me as I swallowed and gulped. "H-How?!" I squeaked as they all chuckled "You could always use your personality trait that your soul contains..." Mizuki smiles softly as I blinked. "Personality trait?? What is mines??" I ask them with full curiousity. Alice walks toward me as she lands her hand towards to my chest as everything turns black and white

*Alice doesn't wants to fight you, but you're filled with SACRIFICE

"Hmmm.... Scarifice, eh?? Interesting very interesting..."

*Alice spares you

*You spared her, the fight ends

"That's a very very rare trait..." She muttered "Haven't seen a human who has SACRIFICE in their soul for years..." She looks at me. I nods and looks at everyone "I'll do it then. I'll make you guys return to your present timelines." I look up at the 4 of them as they hugged me and squealed "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!" 4 of them giggles as they stopped hugging me. I felt sleepy since I'm some kind of a lazy kid as I head to the couch and lays down as I slept and I'm at my dreamland.

I felt as I was in water as CURIOUS as I am I opened my eyes and panicked. 'IM IN UNDERWATER??? BUT HOW??!!' I thought. I was still panicking as I felt a bony hand touching my shoulders as I looked behind as it was Sans. I gasped but blowed bubbles on the water as he kissed me as in LITERALLY KISSED ME. But it was for air so now I'm practically fine. He gestured me to follow him so I swim with him to a cavern which looks like the Ruins. I swim there and saw a mermaid which looks like Ms.Toriel. "Sans!! You brought a human here??" She gasped as the Siren Sans nods "Greetings, child. My name is Toriel, caretaker of the RUINS." She introduced as I giggled "I met a Toriel already in Undertale...." I smiled at her as Sans looks at me "But how did you get here??" He asked as I shrugged "I don't know... I was sleeping at the couch and then POOF!!! I am right here, drowning in the middle of the ocean as you saved me!!" I look at Sans as he looked confused as ever. 

~After having a chat with Toriel and Sans~

I began to think of Classic Sans, Cross, the Gaster's, Rex, Alice, Mizuki and Elliot of how they're worried at me right now. With that long thought, I felt a hand grabbed the back of my shirt as it pulled me out and landed me into the anti-void again. 'Where am I??' I thought. "Right behind cha, (N/N)" A familiar voice rang into my ear as I looked behind and saw Paint Thinner. I stood up and ran to him as I hugged him but then slap him cause I am so pissed at him for not saving me from the roof-falling incident fiasco. "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW (N/N) WHY!!!!!!!!!!!??????????" He yelled as there was a red handprint showing on his cheek. "Cause........ WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU WHEN I WAS CALLING YOUR NAME!!! YOU COULD HAVE MADE ME LOSE MANY HP CAUSE OF THE ROOF-FALLING INCIDENT FIASCO BUT OH BOY GOOD THING FLOWER SAVED ME!!!!!!" I sarcastically screamed on top of my lungs at him as he was standing there with the 'Bish calm down' face. "Whoa whoa whoa, hold it right there missy. I got stuck at traffic okay geez....." He calmly explained as I hugged him again "Those words that say 'But nobody came' really frightens me!! Please don't do that next time, okay??" I look at him with a smile on my face as he chuckles and nods "Promise" He kissed my forehead and now I'm blushing as red as a tomato.

"Oooohhhhhhhh would you look at that... The famous (Y/N) (L/N) is blushing as red as a tomato" PT smirks (Imma just nickname him to PT) as I pouted playfully "S-Shut up.." I stuttered shyly as he giggles. "Anyways, I heard that Classic is gonna show you to the mansion which is full of all the Sanses from all the timelines.... And don't worry I'm accepted at that mansion since I'm also a Sans.... So yeah your going to see me there." He  explains as I squealed "Yay!!!!!! Finally, PT got accepted in the community" I joked as he chuckles "C'mon let's get you back home, the others are really worried about you. Heck. Cross is worried about you, he usually never worries anyone if that someone he worries about is like somewhere that means he has a crush on my childhood bestie!!!~" He smirks as I playfully punches his bone-y arm "Shut up!!! Cross is just a cool friend.." I sighed as PT teleports me and him to the house as everyone group hugged our presence "(Y/N)!!!!! We were so worried about you where have you been??" Classic Sans looked at me as I explain the long story. Everyone was so interested they even asked PT about it I am so happy that PT could be accepted in a new community. I felt a tap on my shoulder as I look that PT was the one who was doing that "Hey ummm (N/N) I gotta go sorry for being this quick but I really need to go.." He apologized as I nodded at him "It's fine though I'll visit you at the anti-void or maybe at the mansion. See ya!!" I exclaimed as he teleported away

Paint Thinner's POV

Oh God..... I felt my soul beat for a moment back then when (Y/N) was talking with the others. Wait a min, I can't just fall in love with my childhood bestie she won't like me as a crush!! She will just see me as a friend. I sighed as I continue to do my painting with my green paint. 

'What am going to do without you (Y/N)'


alright alright alright so this new chaptie done wait for other chaptie cuz I still need to update my 2 other books yes please wait cuz of many homeworks and quizzes I have to study but I promise to update this as fast as I could yeh




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