Soraru attracting sweater

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The albino held up the sweater Amatsuki had sent and tilted his head sideways.

It looked like it had too little fabric for comfort and a little too big.

It had a little card that read " Soraru attracting sweater, for Mafu's looking to give a very early valentine present ;)"

Blushing, Mafu glanced around to check if anyone was around before silently staring  at the sweater......

"Mafu!I'm back, what are you doing?"

Soraru called out loudly as he nonchalantly opened the door to Mafu's room.

Amatsuki had been acting weird when he bumped into him earlier, winking and nudging soraru a lot with a very big grin.

Kashitaro had a polite smile on though he could almost see a trace of mischief in it.

What were they all smiling about?

Soraru thought as he opened his eyes to Mafu wearing a very revealing sweater.

It looked decent in front, but it had too little fabric at the back, stretching down until it barely covered up anything below.

Mafu was blushing and desperately trying to pull up the back and cover himself.

Soraru immediately dropped everything and closed the door softly behind him, deepening the blush on Mafu's face and causing him to look down.

Later, beside the bed, Soraru spotted the card Amatsuki wrote and gave a little chuckle.

Mafu looked up and tilted his head, confused at the evil and mischievous smile of his boyfriend.



"Did your......early.......present......?"

Soraru looked at Mafu and gave a mischievous smile.

"Mm, and I want to enjoy my present a little more."


Later, Kashitaro received a particular text.

"Later I'll send something to thank amatsuki for the present. Look forward to it."

To be ......continued?

Hello, sorry for still being a bit on hiatus and if the story feels a bit weird. I'll probably upload really slowly, so sorry in advance. Btw, the "Soraru attracting sweater" is actually the "virgin killer sweater"......

See you.

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