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The albino leaned forward, glancing curiously at the new person.

"Hello! What's your name?"

He asked a raven haired boy, who just stared coldly at him.

"Soraru. Now go away."

Soraru said coldly and glared at the albino.

"I'm Mafumafu! Call me Mafu. Welcome, Soraru!"

Mafu smiled an angelic smile.

" Why are you here, in this problem home?"

Soraru asked Mafu.

Mafu just smiled, as he kept silent, avoiding the question.

They just stared at each other, before Soraru sighed.

"I get you don't want to tell me, so be it. Anyway, just leave me alone."

Soraru said before walking away.

But, Mafu did the exact opposite.

Everyday, from that day onward, he would follow Soraru around everywhere.

From morning to night, literally EVERYWHERE. As long as Soraru was there, so was Mafu.

One day, they were Both the eating lunch when Soraru decided to ask.

"Why are you following me when I asked you to go away?"

Mafu just looked at Soraru and smiled.

"Because I like Soraru. Soraru is special. I found Soraru special, since I met you."

Soraru looked away and covered his blush.

"Idiot, that was a confession. Your not suppose to say it like that."

Mafu just stared at Soraru.

"Your blushing!So cute!"

Hr chuckled and Soraru muttered something that sounded like 'don't call me cute'.

Thus, their peaceful days continued until Soraru asked that question again.

"Hey, Mafu. Why are you in this problem home? I don't see anything wrong with you."

Soraru looked at Mafu as Mafu looked down and remained silent.

"I'll tell you mine first okay? So, after that, you can tell me your reason. But, if you don't want to, you can just tell me."

Soraru looked at the silent Mafu, and continued.

"I was sent here because my parents, you see, got into an accident and none of my relatives wanted me. They all said I had cold eyes. So, I was sent here by my aunt as an excuse to get rid of me."

Soraru said normally, as if he was talking about the wheather.

But, there was a hint of loneliness in his voice.

"Soraru......if I say my reason, will you still stay with me?"

Mafu asked in a small, frightened tone.

"Sure. I don't see why not?"

"You see, I have something wrong with me. Everyone says I'm not normal, and that I will never be. They all left me."

Mafu stopped talking all at once and fell into a deep silence.

Soraru just waited patiently for him to gather his courage and speak.

"Everyone said that I was a yandere or something, and kept avoiding me."

Mafu said and his tone started becoming more panicked and louder.

"It's okay, Mafu."

Soraru said, placing a hand on Mafu's lap unconsciously.

"I won't leave you. It's okay. Next year, we're going to leave this place. We'll be good and show everyone we can live normally okay."

Soraru said and Mafu finally smiled.

"Okay, Soraru."

(Time Skip)

The two males were in a living room.

One was sitting on the couch, the other watching television.

"Hey, Mafu!"


"Remember last year?"


" Well, we've made it, haven't we?"


Soraru smiled and got up, walking over to Mafu and sitting down next to him.

He pecked Mafu over the lips and smiled.


Mafu blushed and Soraru smirked.

"I'm feeling hungry~"

"That's your Problem!"

Soraru intertwined his hands with Mafu.

"It's not mine only, so since its the anniversary of us meeting each other. I think we shall try something special tonight."

Soraru smirked as Mafu blushed.



Hello! Finally, after reading alot of fluff, I've managed to write one chapter of fluff.

Also, thank you, everyone who has made it this far!

I've just checked and I got 1.25K views so I'm very happy!

Anyway, because of something, I'll be writing from my computer now on and I hope there will not be too many mistakes.

See you!

●♢ Soramafu One-shots ♢●Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz