♤The other side of the glass♤

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A boy stretched out my hand, intending to comfort the albino right in front of him. But, he couldn't.

In front of him, in between them, was an invisible wall of glass. Cold, cold glass.

The albino on the other side couldn't see the boy. No. All he could see was the body of his precious person lying on a white hospital bed.

"Soraru. I've come to visit you again...... It's been a month since I have last spoken with you. I know you can hear me. So, today, you know what. Kashitsuki has finally become cannon. Isn't that great, Soraru? Amatsuki has finally confessed. It feels like so long ago, you know, when we used to tease Amatsuki and create plans to bring them together."

The boy, soraru, looked from the other side of the glass as tears flowed down the albino's cheeks and occasional sobs breaking the silence in the room.

I want to hold you.
To hug you with all my strength.
To reassure you, and comfort you.

Soraru tried to speak. "Mafu." And even though he knew the albino couldn't hear him, he spoke.

"I'm glad for Amatsuki. So, Mafu, don't cry. If you do, I will feel like crying too."

Of course, Mafu couldn't hear him. But, he stopped crying.

"Soraru, they say their going to cut your life support today. What should I do? I don't think I can live without you soraru. What should I do?"

This time, without crying, Mafu held Soraru's pale hand and started humming. From yume hanabi to every song he and soraru and sung before, he hummed them.


Soraru, who could only listen, hummed together. And, as the minutes turned into hours, the two ran through all the songs, all the memories, that they had together.

"Mafu, I love you."

Mafu stopped humming, and felt Soraru's hand twitch.

While, on Soraru's side, he was banging at the glass. Hitting it over and over with his fists. Hoping it will break.

Mafu, who was clinging desperately to Soraru's hand, was staring at his face. Hoping against hope that the twitch wasn't a trick made by himself. That soraru was going to wake up.

And, with a loud breaking sound, the glass broke, and everything turned black.

Soraru could see nothing, but he could feel something warm in his left hand. Tightening his grasp, he heard a gasp and then something wet splashed onto his face.

With all his strength, he opened his eyes and was greeted with a pair of red eyes.

"Mafu," soraru croaked." My hand hurts."

And then, everything was over. The dream ended there, and everything faded away.

So this is how it ends out, huh.

I love you, Mafu.

Wait for me on the other side, I'm coming.

Beep beep beep beep beep biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii......


Hello. Yeah, I did two angast in a row. I wonder why I'm feeling so sad today? Anyway, if you could not catch up with the story. Soraru fell into a coma (why? IDK? ) and the whole chapter was of the dream soraru was living in inside the coma. Basically, he just dreamt it all. Him breaking out of the coma never happened. Everything was just a dream soraru had. Except the end, where he leaves the dream.

See you next time!

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