Chapter 7- Emotional

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Chapter 7-

I couldn't go back to sleep so I decided I would watch some tv. I walked out my room door and into the tv room.

I sat down and looked through the movies. But one caught my eye in particular.

74th hunger games.

The first games my mother and father participated in. I wasn't sure if I should watch it or not, but it might give me some pointers.

That wasn't really the reason I wanted to play it. I wanted to see how my mother and father did. I wanted to see what they went through, and what I'm about to go through.

I was completely terrified yet I put the disk in anyways. I sat with my arms around my knees and my back up agiasnt the blue,leather, and should I say expensive looking, couch.

It all started with the Sound of the horn as it signaled for the tributes to start. I watched in horror through all of it.

The way my mother risked her life at the cornucopia for my father, inspired me. She is a true hero. I hate president snow.

He has tried to make my mothers life horrible ever since that one desision that changed her life forever.

The berries.

Could u only believe how much those little berries could harm humans in such ways. Emotionally and physically. It's sickening just to think about. Snow is sickening.

I'll bet you that he specifically made me be in the hunger games to warn my parents. I just have a feeling.

I screamed in horror as I saw catus wrap his arm around my fathers neck, choking him. I whimpered.

I hadn't wanted to wake any of them but it seemed that my father was hurrying towards me.

I cradled back and forth, crying and screaming into my hands. As much as I wanted to look away from the screen, I couldn't bring myself to do it.

My dad wrapped his hands around me and whispered soothing words toward me. It felt comforting to finally have some alone time with him after all of this. Tomorow would be the day I went into that arena.

Tomorow would be the day I would start surviving for my own life. And that just brought the tears coming down faster.

"Shhh, Shhh. Alexandra, listen to me." He said in a quiet voice. I tried to stop crying but the noises of those mutant dogs broke me. My father saw what I watching and hurriedly shut it off.

"what are you doing? Why are you watching that?" He whispered roughly. I calmed down a bit.

I looked at him as he realized he finally got my attention. He wiped the last remaining tears from my eyes.

"Alex, what's wrong?" he asked me. I could tell he already knew the anwser but he wanted to hear it from myself.

"I don't want to die, daddy. I don't want to suffer like you and mother in those games. I want to stay with you." I whispered, looking down.

Father looked pained but smiled.

"You'll always be with us, Sweethart. Just remember that. Mother and I will always be there, watching you, cheering for you, supporting you. We will never leave our daughter. We could never leave you." daddy whispered. His words soothed me.

Then mother came to us. She sat next to us, and cradled me in her arms.

"I heard everything." she said." but, alex, your gonna live, just like us. Your gonna make it out there alive, I promise."

I stood up suddenly angry. Mother looked surprised.

"Don't you get it, mother?! I don't want to be like you! I don't want to stand in your shadows! I don't want people to look at me and only see me as Katniss's daughter! I want them to see Alexandra mellark, the girl who fights for herself! Not the "mini girl on fire"!" I shouted.

Father widened his eyes and I could see a year trying to come out of mothers eyes. I started to regret everything I had said. She stood up and took me by the arms.

"I understand, Alexandra. I do. But you don't understand everything that peeta and I had gone through and are still going through. Do you really think we want to teach our daughter how to kill just so she can go on a suicide mission? We love you-I love you- and you will understand someday just how much you mean to us. I promise. But now isnt the time for regrets. Right now is the time for us to spend together as a family for however long our 'family' may last. I love you, Alexandra." my mother said with so much passion that I thought I might start crying agian.

"I'm sorry, mommy. I am so sorry. I love you. I love you both." I stated as I pulled them in for a hug.

"it's okay. It's okay." she whispered.


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