Chapter 6- orange flame

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Chapter 6-

I went to bed that night thinking about my mother. She was the "girl on fire". I don't really liked being called the mini fire. It's actually kind if insulting to me.

It's like I have to follow in my moms footsteps no matter what. I noticed how much we are alike. She had rue, I have Jason, as allies.

She the girl on fire, I'm the mini fire. I want something for me. A symbol that shows who I am. Not my mom, or anyone else.

Just me. I thought about a symbol for me. Sure, I was a fighter, and I don't give up easily. But I'm also smaller and hard to take out.

I thought of something similar to the girl on fire so that I'm not taking away all evidence of me being the mini fire.

I got it! How about the flame? That sounds about right. So I got my name but whie we r back to my symbol.

What about....a tiger? Since, I can be ferious when I want to be. Wht if I combined my name and symbol?

How about orange flame? Since tigers can be orange. Yes! Perfect! I closed my eyes and tried falling asleep.


I was running with the wind blowing through my hair. I slipped and fell in the mud but just got back up. Only this time, I stoped running.

I took out a mirror and looked at myself. I had a black flame with a paw just beside my eye, on my face.

I tried taking it off and scratching at it, but it didn't work. I heard a growl come close to me.

I turned around and found a tiger with the exact mark coming to me. I tried backing up but just fell in the mud agian.

The tiger just layed down next to me. I suddenly didn't feel scared. I touched its mark and noticed it too, wouldn't come off.

And I knew why. It was apart of him, just like it apart of me. I couldn't get the mark off because it's attached to me. It IS me.

End of dream:

I woke up, sweating. I looked at the clock to see, it was only 2:00 A.M.

This is going to be a long day...

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