Chapter Nine

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Running-Chapter Nine

*Harry's POV*

I was rudely awoken by the doorbell.

Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and fixing my hair, I walked towards the door. It couldn't be the boys this early in the morning, so who could it be?

It was a man and a woman, both in business suits.

"Um yes, how can I help you?" I asked them.

The woman spoke first, "I'm Evelyn and this is my associate Derek, we're from the Child Protection Services. We were told that there is a certain Zoe Brittain staying here?"

Is that Zoe's last name? I never knew that.

"Um could you hold on for just a minute?" I asked, then went to go wake up Louis.

"Lou, Lou! Get up! Child Protection Services are here for Zoe! What should we do?" I yell whispered. What's that called anyway? A whispell? I don't even know.

Louis shot up from bed. "Zoe? What's going on?! Someone's here for Zoe?"

"Yeah, Child Protection Services is! What should we do?"

He stood up and walked to the front door, "Don't worry, I'll take care of this."

I followed him out of the room, where then he introduced himself and invited them in to sit down.

Evelyn seemed to be getting impatient. "As I said, we are here for Miss Zoe Brittain. She was reported missing from her foster home two days ago and we were told that she's staying here. Now, is she here or not?"

"Well actually-" Louis tried to say when he got interrupted,

"Wow boys, I'm impressed, you didn't make a mess yet...." Zoe's voice trailed off when she saw Evelyn and Derek. She got really pale and froze. In fact, she looked rather scared.

"Ah, Miss Brittain, I was hoping you would make a appearance soon." Evelyn spoke to her.

Zoe looked toward me and Louis.

"Y-you betrayed me? Everything you said about how it's so unfair about me being in foster care and offering your home to me-that was just a load of bullcrap?"

I tried to say something, but Lou beat me to it. "Of course not Zoe! They just showed up! I would never do that!"

She looked pretty mad now, "Oh yeah? Then how do they know I'm here?"

I turned to them, "Yeah, how did you know?"

Evelyn huffed impatiently, then answered before Derek had a chance. I feel bad for Derek, to have to work with someone like Evelyn. "I told you already, we got a tip that she was here!"

"Yeah, yeah, but shouldn't we get to know who it was that told you?"

"Sorry no, we don't give out that information."

I ran my hands through my hair, what are we going to do?!

"Now," Evelyn said, "Zoe, if you'll go get your things-if you have any-we can leave and return you to your foster home."

Zoe's eyes got really big and I think she was about to cry. I've never seen her like this, usually she's so strong and independent, but right now, she's like a little girl, helpless and broken.

She slowly walked back up the stairs, "I'll be right back." She mumbled.

True to her word, Zoe was back down in two minutes. Evelyn and Derek stood up, "Alright then, lets get going."

Zoe walked out the door, emotionless and quiet. We can't lose her!

Louis ran to her and caught ahold of her arm, "Zoe, don't worry, we'll find a way to get you out of this, I promise!"

She ripped her arm out of his grasp and looked him in the eye and told him, "Don't make promises you can't keep." and then got in the car.

The last I saw glance I had of her leaving, was her silhouette through the glass.

I will get her out of this mess, no matter what it takes.




*Zoe's POV*

Why do I always do this? I always set myself up to get hurt. This is why I shouldn't open myself up to anyone. But what did I do? I got attached, and in consequence, I paid for it.

I should've figured that they'd find me. Even if I was staying with a world famous boyband, doesn't mean I'm invincible.

Back to my old life.

Goodbye One Direction.


Hey, thanks for reading! Um, I'm not really sure what to say. I hope you liked this chapter!

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I love you!


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