Chapter Four

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Running-Chapter Four

*Louis's POV*

"Zoe, you're going to live with us!"

I was so happy to tell her the news, she's been in foster care since she was 15 because Simon abandoned her. Maybe now we could finally offer her somewhere somewhat stable to live. Except, we'll have to convince Simon to be granted custody of her until she's 18, so that this is all legal. But, her reaction was not what I was hoping for.

She seemed to be lost in her thoughts, and kinda scared. I guess she's just daydreaming.

"Zoe? Zoe! What's the matter?" I waved my hand in front of her face and she snapped out of it. I could tell she was pretty nervous.

"Um, well this is all very sudden, can a few minutes to think about it? Besides I need to go to the bathroom.."

So she was pretty nervous, oh well, why not give her a few minutes to think about it? I don't wanna rush her.

So I told her where the bathroom was,

"Sure love, down the hall and to the right." I told her. She thanked me quietly and left the room.

Simon dropped his head into his hands and said "Go after her."


"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked him, the lads looked confused as well.

He sighed "She's going to run off, she doesn't want to live with you. Can't you tell? She's a runner. So go after her right now to have any chance of catching her!"

I didn't bother to question him on the matter, I'll do that later. Right now, I have to go stop her from running!

"C'mon lads, we have to go catch her!" We all dashed from the room, knocking over chairs in the process.

We ran through the hallways, searching for her. We were coming up to the bathroom.

"Harry! Make sure that she isn't actually in the bathroom!" He nodded and went over there to yell for her.

The rest of us turned down to the next hallway until we reached the elevator, it just shut, and it was going down. I pressed the button to call the other elevator, but I must have pressed it a dozen times at least. While we were waiting on the elevator to get to our floor, Harry caught up to us.

"She wasn't in there." He said breathlessly.

I nodded, "Yeah, thanks. I'm pretty sure she's in the other elevator." By this time the elevator had come and we were on our way to the ground floor. 35, 26, 17, 8, the numbers continued going down. When it hit the ground level, we all ran out of the elevator, shoving past the people waiting to get on the elevator.

We saw her run out the door, and we quickly followed.

I could tell that she knew we weren't far behind her, and she sped up a little and turned into a alley, the one we ran into each other in. Was she really going to hide in there? Probably not, she's not stupid. We were about to go into the alley when some fans caught up to us. I heard muttered curses coming from the boy's mouths. And a few from mine.

"Louis! I'm going to stay back and try to distract them!" Zayn called to me.

"No Zayn! Bad idea!" I yelled back. That's a suicide mission, he's gonna get mobbed!

He waved us on, and I reluctantly let him go. I hope he can catch up to us soon.

As we ran out of the alley, I heard Niall shout, "I saw her go in here!"

Pointing towards a convenience store, I nodded and we headed in there. Zayn was sprinting to catch up to us. We walked in and started looking around the shop to see if Zoe was there, but no such luck.

I looked at the cashier, she's a teenager, oh dear.

"Please don't be a crazy fangirl." I silently pleaded.

I forced a smile and walked over to her. She was hyperventilating and squealing quietly. Great.

"Hi love, I'm looking for someone, a girl, about 17, long hair, brown eyes, have you seen her?"

She gave me a shy smile, "U-um well, uh could I have a picture first?"

I heard Harry huff in impatience, I felt like doing the same, but it doesn't pay to be rude, especially to our fans. I quickly took the picture for her.

"Alright, here's your picture. Now have you seen the girl?"

"Hmm I might have, I saw a girl like that running down the sidewalk, out there, down Prince Avenue."

I mentally cursed, Niall said he saw her go in here! I nodded to the girl as a thanks and we went out the door with Niall muttering under his breath.

Now to continue the chase for Zoe...


Kinda short but whatever! I thought it'd be nice to have it in Louis's point of view. What did ya think? Let me know! And don't forget to vote! Love you all! <3

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