Chapter Two

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Running-Chapter two


"Louis you're late."

"Well hello to you too Uncle Simon." Louis joked.

"And sorry, I lost track of time and had a little predicament, but its okay now."

Simon looked up for the first time that we came in and was about to say something but stopped when he saw me.

I walked forward a few steps.

"Hey...Uncle Simon."

*Zoe's POV*

We stared at each other for a minute.

"...Zoe? Is that you?"

No duh.

Okay I didn't say that, I thought it though.

"Um yeah."
He raised his eyebrows

"What are you doing here? Why were you with Louis?"

I shuffled my feet and looked him in the eyes.

"I ran into him, and almost knocked myself out. He is like a brick wall!"

The boys started chuckling behind me, well not Louis, the other four.

"Sure, laugh at my misfortune." I said sarcastically, turning to look at them.


I turned back to Simon,

"How did you run into Louis?"

Wow this man is so smart! Note the sarcasm.

"Oh ya know, he was just being a creeper in a alley and jumped out at me. I just ran into him before I peed my pants."

The boys exploded with laughter, I turned and to them and bowed.
"Thank you, thank you, I'm glad you like my story."

"Louis, he really need to stop being such a creep!" Harry said.
Louis went over to him and hushed him, well if that's what you call covering up his mouth and threatening to do mean things, then yeah!


Simon looked exasperated. I turned around and faced him again.
"We just ran into each other, okay! Why do you care?!"

"Because I haven't seen you in a long time! Why wouldn't I care? You're my niece for Pete's sake!"

I rolled my eyes at him, "Don't remind me." I snapped

Liam chose this moment to step in and find out what was going on.

"Wait, wait, wait. You're Simon's niece?" Liam asked pointing to me.

Didn't Simon just say that?

I really need to break the habit of being so critical...

I sighed "Sadly, yes."

The boys looked confused, "Why 'sadly'?" Niall asked.
Simon opened his mouth "I-"

I cut him off, "It's a long story, and I don't feel comfortable sharing..."

"If you don't tell us, we'll make Simon tell us!" Louis looked at me smugly.

My eyes got big, "Okay! Okay! I'll tell you! But you can't tell anyone."

And so I launched into my story.


Two years ago.

"I'm sorry sweetie, your parents, they-they're in a better place."

Okay I'm not stupid lady, I'm 15! Not 5! I understand what you're saying!

Wow, have I always been that critical?

Still, I had known that was why I was here, I had let out all my crying into my pillow last night. So now I just sat there staring, not wanting to look at the woman, I didn't want to see the pity that was in her eyes, I can't stand pity!

"What's gonna happen to me?" My voice sounded weak and scared, I hated it, I need to sound strong.

"Well sweetheart, we've looked through your files and it looks like any of your relatives that would be able to take care of you, are dead. Do you have any relations that you can think of that aren't listed here?"

I immediately thought of Uncle Simon, why wouldn't I? He's my favorite uncle, and he's the only relative that I liked, all the others were boring. I wonder why Mom didn't put him down in the files...

I snapped out of my thoughts, "Yes" I answered, "My uncle, Simon Cowell."

"And what is a way to contact him?"
"Well I know his phone number."

"Great, and what would that be?" She asked picking up a pencil.
I told her and she wrote them down on a piece of paper.

"Now," she said placing her pencil down on the desk,

"Would you like to call him, or do you want me to call him?"

"...I'll call him"

I didn't really want to tell him that my parents died. Him and my mom were very close, seeing how close they were always made me wish that I had a brother. Yep, that's right, my mom and him were brother and sister.
The woman handed me a phone then left the room. I dialed his number.
It ringed, once, twice, three times, and he finally picked up on the fourth ring.


"Hey, Uncle Simon?"


"Um yeah, uh I-I have some news for you, but I'm not exactly sure how to put it..." I told him hesitantly.

"It's about your parents isn't it?" He asked.

"'d you guess?"

"Child protection services told me." He stated, like it was no big deal.

Well it was a big deal to me! "Wait what?! You knew! And you didn't care enough to call me?"

"Look Zoe, I'm really busy right now, with work and trying to help the boys-"

I cut him off "The boys! They aren't your relatives! I am! You should care more about me, than a stupid boyband! You're saying you can't take care of me! What am I supposed to do?!"

"Zoe, their new album is coming out soon, and they just need my help. I'm sorry, but I'm going to put you in foster care. I'll talk to Child Protection Services and we'll work it out-"

I interrupted again, "Fine whatever! I don't care anymore! If stupid One Direction is going to get in the way of this, leave it! I wouldn't want to be around you anyways, have a nice life!" I snapped at him then hung up the phone. At that moment, the woman came back in the room.

"How did it go?" She asked.

I stared in shock, "He doesn't want me, he's putting me in foster care."

*Flashback over*

When I finished telling my story, the boys had their mouths open in shock. Simon wouldn't look at any of us.


Harry spoke up first, "Y-you just abandoned her Simon? Just when she needed you most? We could have waited! We didn't need your help as much as you made it out to be! It's all our fault that she's been in foster care for the past two years!"

Louis corrected him, "No Harry, it's wasn't our fault, it was his." He looked at Simon, Simon wouldn't meet his gaze.

Zayn was thinking, "Boys, come here, I have an idea!"

They did this little huddle thing and then they came back over to where I was standing.

Louis smiled proudly and told me,

"Zoe, you're going to live with us!"



I just want to say that I'm sure that Simon wouldn't abandon his niece like that, but this is a story so go with the flow! I hope you like it so far! And if you're reading it again (because I first posted this in May then deleted it for editing and then reposted it) I hope you like it even more! Please vote and leave feedback :) it'd mean the world! ;) ily all! <3

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