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The day passed like the usual; Alyssa, aside from reading some documents, did nothing but to think about what will happen now that she has found Mika.

True to her words, before leaving her office, she called Amy and Bea and tell them to meet at their usual bar for an urgent meeting.

Her two bar buddies didn't even took long to accept the invitation.

She immediately left her restaurant, avoiding Dennise who was busy managing the kitchen and the other staffs.

She came at the bar before her two friends. She ordered some drinks right away to help her calm down from her excitement.

After a few sips of beer and girls giving her flirtatious looks, which she avoids by the way, her younger friend saw her.

"Ate Ly!" Bea called out.

Just before Bea could even slump her butt on the seat in front of Alyssa, the latter blurted out what she's been wanting to say since she called them.

"Bey, I found her! I finally found her!"

Bea was about to take a sip from the beer she took from the table but stopped halfway as she turned her gaze at Alyssa.

"Weh. You found Mika Reyes? She's real?"

Alyssa creased her eyebrow and glared at Bea. She rolled her eyes at her for spoiling her excitement.

"Okay, sorry. Jeez." Bea raised her both hands. "So, where did you find her?" she continued to drink.

"At Jessey's party yesterday. Mag best friends pala sila ni Jessey, and I didn't know that." Alyssa responded.

"Jessey de Leon, the archi? Whoa, small world." Bea trailed off. "So ano'ng gagawin natin now that you know how to find her, ate Ly?"

She took a long breath before taking another drink from her beer before answering Bea.

"Well, first, I need to find her and then talk to her." Alyssa coughed. "A-and ma-maybe apologize, too."

Bea snorted after hearing Alyssa, the latter just pursed her lips as she coughed a fake one.

"Bakit? Did you do something mahalay to her? Huh, ate Ly?" Bea asked with wiggled eyebrows.

"Hey! I'm not like that, Bey!" Alyssa threw some tissue at her friend.

"Not always, you mean." Bea just laughed again.

"Shut up." Alyssa hissed. "Nabigla lang ako, okay? I didn't expect to see her there, well, I kinda did but I just got caught up in the moment. Nadala lang ako sa emotions ko."

"Okaaaay. So, what did you do to her nga?"

Bea was persistent, so Alyssa had to go back at the embarrassing moment when she met Mika at Jessey's party and shared it all detail by detail.

It made Bea laugh and Alyssa rolled her eyes again.

"Whoa. Seriously, ate Ly? You did that in front of everyone?" Bea continued laughing while holding her stomach. "Buti naman hindi ka niya nasampal or something?"

Now that would be very shameful. Alyssa thought.

Bea just stopped laughing when she saw the embarrassment on her ate's face. She coughed and composed herself before talking again.

"But I can't blame you, ate. If it ever happens to me and Jho, which I hope not, baka I will also do the same – or maybe worse!"

Alyssa just chuckled and nodded. Yup, Bea would do something definitely worse than her.

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