Chapter 13: I Miss My Friend

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It had been almost a week since that magazine article about me and Daniel came out. I thought surely all of it would blow over within a couples of days, but that wasn't the case. No, that magazine article only spurred on even more attention to us. More magazines jumped on what was now being called the Danbie ship. Yes, Daniel and I had a ship name.

Morning talk shows had talked about us as well as entertainment news. Everyone was wondering what was going on between Daniel and the girl that used to be known as the friend of the Harry Potter gang. I was now being known as Daniel Radcliffe's new love interest. They'd also been wondering how long this romance between us had been brewing and why they were just now seeing something about our supposed relationship.

That's the thing though. We weren't in a relationship. Daniel and I had never established us being anything more than friends. This was as new for us as it was for the public. We were just dating and spending time together because we enjoyed each other's company. It hadn't led to anything more...yet. I didn't even know if it would be leading to anything more. Sure, Daniel and I had been hanging out a lot more and acting a little bit more friendly with each other, but that didn't mean we were a couple.

I was once the shy girl who was barely given a second glance, but now I was being gawked at when I went out in public or whispered about amongst people. My coworkers were even acting like this so work wasn't the same for me anymore. Let's not even mention the messages I'd been receiving on social media by fans of Dan either deeming me perfect for him or not worthy enough to even be in his presence.

It was all very strange and not something that I was used to.

However, through all of this craziness I had Daniel by my side to help me through it. He was used to this kind of attention so it didn't affect him as much as it affected me. He helped me deal with it all and just reminded me that it would blow over once people found something else to put their attention on.

We spent time together still, but chose not to go out together till this whole mess did blow over. It's wasn't that we were ashamed do be seen out together. We just liked the privacy that hanging out in my apartment provided for us so that's just what we did. We stayed in, ordered take out, and spent hours either talking or watching movies. I liked it that way though. I was a simple girl after all and he seemed to enjoy it too.

Emma had been a big help to me as well even though she had been very busy with her own things. She always checked in on me whether it was through a simple text or a quick phone call, but I appreciated that.

The only friend I hadn't heard from, however, was Tom. Not a single word from him since our little fight and I suppose I couldn't blame him. I had been quite rude with him, but he hadn't been a saint either. I had expected to hear something from him again. We never let a fight go this long. We usually had whatever was bothering us settled within a day's time.

It wasn't until a week and half had gone by that I did finally hear from him. I was lounging around on my couch, reading a book and sipping a hot cup of tea. I was pulled away from a good part in the book when my phone sounded, letting me know I had received a text message. I hadn't expected to see his name flashing across my phone. It made me a bit nervous and on edge. I didn't know what he could possibly want. It's been days.

I swallowed my anxiety down as I unlocked my phone and opened the text from him. It was now or never.

Tom: 'Abbie, I think it's time we talked about some things.'

I read the message a few times as my heart rate quickened a bit. Here comes the confrontation I had been waiting for and dreading all at once. I cleared my throat and quickly typed a simple reply back to him.

'Yeah...I agree.'

Tom: 'I think we should talk in person and stop this whole back and forth over the phone. Are you free for lunch? Usual time and place?'

I thought it over and I definitely agreed with him. We should talk in person instead of over the phone because we both seen what that did the last time. It did not end pretty for either of us. We were best friends for crying out loud. If we were even still considered that.

'That sounds good to me.'

Tom: 'Okay, I'll see you then.'

I sighed as I sat my phone back down on the coffee table and closed the book up I had been reading. It seemed that I would not be having the nice relaxing day I had originally planned on having, but that was okay with me. It was time Tom and I settled this little spat we had so we could move past it. Things were complicated enough without having complications with him added on that list. Not like he already hadn't been on that list for years now.

I just hoped that things could be settled and we could go back to our old ways again. I missed my best friend.


Here's a new chapter...finally! Sorry it's kind of short and just a filler. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but you all deserved an update after the long wait. Besides, a Tom and Abbie confrontation will be up ahead! I'm not sure if it will be a heated or a civil one yet...just saying. We'll all see I guess. 👀

Please vote and comment! I appreciate the feedback from all of you! Also, thank you to @elliemay9230 for the ship name. I remember her mentioning the ship name Danbie a while back for Daniel and Abbie when I was trying to think up some ship names myself for them. So I guess we will go with Danbie! 😆 Of course, you can call them whatever makes you happy.

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