Chapter 7: Visitors

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As I grabbed another Kleenex to blow my nose with, I groaned miserably. Though the kiss Daniel and I shared was absolutely amazing, I couldn't help but think we were being stupid by standing out in the cold rain. I had caught a cold that caused me to take off work for a little while. All I did was lay around on the couch wrapped up in a blanket and watch TV.

I also couldn't help but think about Tom because that's what I always found myself doing and I felt quite pathetic about that. I still had feelings for him. The kiss between Daniel and I hadn't changed that, but it did also make me feel something for Daniel. It wasn't as powerful as the feelings I had for Tom, but it was still something. It was something that could grow stronger with time. I just knew it. My head was spinning from all the confusion I felt.

As I wrapped the blanket tighter around myself and sighed, I heard a knock on my door.

"Who is it?!" I croaked out.


"Just use your key!" I yelled out to her.

I heard the sound of my door being unlocked and swung open. The door closed soon after and I heard her walking towards me.

"What's up with you?" she asked as she looked over me.

"What does it look like?" I asked as if it should have been obvious to her. "I have a cold."

"How did that happen?"

I hadn't informed Emma about what happened between me and Daniel. I wanted to wait till I could tell her in person because I knew she would freak out about it and make a huge deal out of it.

"From staying out in the pouring, cold rain," I said simply.

"Why would you do such a stupid thing as that?" she asked while she looked at me as if I were crazy. Hey, maybe I was anyways.

"You think kissing is stupid?" I asked her.

"What does that have to do with it?" she asked, curiously.

I watched as she finally put two and two together. Her eyes became wide and she was smiling.

"Oh my God!" she squealed. "Who was it?! Why wasn't I informed of this as soon as it happened?!"

"Did you expect me to just call you up and tell you right after it happened?"

"Yes, of course I did. Now, tell me who it was."

I stayed quiet as she stared at me. It was amusing watching her squirm.


Her eyes widened more if that was even possible. Next thing I knew, she was jumping up and down while squealing like a little school girl. It was obvious she was excited. I suddenly felt like I was in grade school again talking about a boy I had snogged before class or something.

"I knew it! I knew it would happen. I want details, Abigail Marie Parker, and I want them now! Don't leave anything out."

I began telling her the events after she took a seat in the arm chair. She listened intently and smiled the whole time. She didn't interrupt me once while I retold the events.

"Does this mean you have feelings for him?" she asked after I told her everything.

"Obviously," I said, with a snort, but then became serious, "but there's still Tom..."

"Oh my God, Abbie," she said as she rolled her eyes. "Forget about Tom. You have a great guy right in front of you that wants you. Tom is engaged to another woman. Don't waste your time on him anymore. Look at this as a sign for you to finally move on and to be truly happy again."

You Belong With Me (A Tom Felton and Daniel Radcliffe Love Triangle)Where stories live. Discover now