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I cringed inwardly as he gave her a kiss on the cheek. The giggle escaping from her mouth making me want to roll my eyes, but I refrained myself from doing so because I knew I was better than that. I also had way more willpower than to do just that.

I promised myself I wouldn't let it get to me anymore. A promise that was entirely impossible to stick to, but I had to give myself some credit. I really, really did try. He hadn't caught on to my true feelings and I would say that that was an achievement in itself. He was my best friend and he knew me well, but he didn't know everything.

He had been dating her for months already and I hated it. Being the good friend I was though, I never told him that. I sucked it up and I dealt with it. I dealt with it the best that I could. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't support him and his relationship? If he was happy, then that's all that mattered to me. That's how it had always been and that was probably how it would always stay.

And he really was happy. Anyone could see that. I remembered how happy he was the day he told me about her.

"I've met someone, Abbie," he said as he smiled that adorable grin I loved.

I felt my stomach lurch, but smiled anyways. Sure, he had had girlfriends while me and him had been friends, but it still hurt all the same.


"Yeah, she's great," he explained. "I really like her, Abbie. She seems...different."

"What do you mean?" I asked him curiously. This exclamation had perked my interest even more. What did he mean by different?

"I don't know. There's just something about her. She's different from the other girls I've dated. I think she might just be a keeper." That twinkle in his eye was something that was hard to miss.

As cliche as it sounds, my heart literally shattered into pieces when the words left his mouth. He had never talked about any other girls like that. Especially a girl that he had just started seeing. I knew then and there that he really did like her.

"Are you okay, Abbie?" Emma asked quietly from beside of me.

I shook my head of my thoughts when I heard her speak and put on a fake smile, something that I had become so good at that it even scared me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just quietly observing. It's what I'm best at."

She gave me a knowing look, but didn't press the matter any further, which I was thankful for. Emma knew better. She always knew better and she knew absolutely everything because she was such an observant person. She was the only one who knew the truth and I hoped to keep it that way.

The truth being that I was in love with my best friend, Tom Felton.


This is just the epilogue so it's short, but the chapters will get longer and more interesting. I promise! Please vote and comment to let me know what you think of this story so far.

All rights reserved to Madison (built-for-sin)

You Belong With Me (A Tom Felton and Daniel Radcliffe Love Triangle)Where stories live. Discover now