Chapter 5

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Vanessa should have seen it coming. With the past weekend and attending the family dinner, she should have known that it would have some consequences. The first sign that something was off was early in the morning when she had to practically drag Abel out of bed as he refused to wake up and get dressed. She could usually work around that fact as it was an exhausting weekend and it probably wore him out. But when he stomped his feet to go brush his teeth, she knew something than exhaustion was plaguing her son. After she got Thomas ready, she went out to the kitchen where she left him eating a bowl of cereal, it was untouched.

Then too top it off, he even fought her in trying to take his medication, which was a rare occurrence.

These days she wished Jax was right at home so he could deal with his son.

With Abel's hand firmly clasped in her own, she walked him down to the morning day care that was run by Miss Harrison, Abel's schoolteacher.

Abel's hand immediately detached from hers and he went to the corner of the room away from the other children. He also ignored Miss Harrison.

Vanessa sighed and shot Miss Harrison an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry. It's just one of those days."

"It's okay, Vanessa. Have you and Jax talked about having him seeing the counselor?" Miss Harrison asked her with a gentle smile. Miss Harrison had never been married and had no kids. Nearing 65, Miss Harrison was a well-respected teacher and mentor at Pilgrim Grove. Miss. Harrison was her teacher when she went to school. Miss Harrison also knew about Abel's increasing attitude problems as she was the one that brought it too Vanessa's attention that Abel wasn't handling the separation as well as she thought.

"Jax doesn't want to send him, but at this point I think I'm going to have to go against his wishes." Vanessa informed her.

"Maybe it would help if you brought Jax here and we all could talk about it. With the school year ending, this behavior could escalate in the summer."

"I know," Vanessa expressed sadly and as she rubbed her temples with her fingers, she became aware she was wearing her wedding bands. "Thank you for all your help."

"Hey," Miss Harrison grabbed her shoulders, "the good thing is there is help for this. Abel's not the first kid to go through parents who are trying to work out their marriage."

Vanessa made it back to her class room pretty quickly to begin setting up for homeroom and her classes for the rest of the day. She was writing her agenda for her first class who are also her homeroom kids when a knock came at her door.

Heath was on the other side. With a slight nod of her head, she beckoned him in already having a feeling what he wanted to talk about.

"I haven't heard from you all weekend," he started.

"You saw me on Saturday." Vanessa said softly.

She heard him huff and she honestly didn't want to deal with Heath and whatever they were at the moment. She capped her dry erase marker and turned to look at Heath, who was leaning against a desk. "Abel mentioned you to Jax and he notices your behavior towards me."

Heath raised his dark eyebrows, "Behavior?"

Vanessa nodded her head at him as she clutched the marker in her hand even more aware of her rings digging impressions in her skin. "He notices a lot of things, Heath."

Heath crossed his arms, "Is that why I didn't hear from you?"

"No," she shook her head. "I was at Gemma's all day."

"For what?"

"She had a family dinner." She told him simply. A part of her didn't see the need for her to even tell him why. He didn't say anything but she noticed a dark look passed across his face. "What was that look for?"

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