Bloody Kiss

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ok this a story i started but havent worked on in awhile so ill see how it goes on here :)

hope you like it comment, vote, or just give me some feed back would really like to know what you think


 Chapter 1: New beginings

      She's running. Running through the mazes of hallways, sweat and tears descending her face. Her footsteps pounding on the oak wood floor, echoing in the eerie silence of the old, creaky house. Her heart slamming against the inside of her chest that expands and contracts deeply as she runs, leaving bloody footprints behind. Stinging pain numbed by the rush of adrenaline, that shooting through her feet with every step she takes from the broken glass embedded in them. An endless source of adrenaline coursing through every inch of the girl’s body, masking her pain, terror, and panic. It’s the only thing keeping her legs going, keeping them from collapsing beneath her. Her mind racing with knowing the truth. Panic and anxiety sending bursts of tears to flood the empty girls eyes. Veins pumping with terror. Stomach in knots, hoping it isn't true, that that isn't what really happened, that its all a lie.

            She runs toward her step fathers home office. Grabbing the handle she burst through the double-doors. As soon as she enters the office she freezes in fear. Eyes glazed over in horror. Blood splatter dripping down all over the walls and pools of it freshly soaked into the carpet. Her body trembles and goes numb with no feeling but the icy shiver that shoots through her spine with the realization that its all true.

            Every word.

            Her throat stings with the blood curtailing scream that escapes and echoes through the dark, blood stained  mansion...

            "Hello? Holly, are you listening to me?" Holly's mother, Rachel, asks.

            "Um, ya mom. I'm listening"

            "Then what have I been saying?" Rachel asks with annoyance in her voice.

            "That this is the beginning of a new and better life for us, and that we should be grateful toward Henry and his son for taking us in and giving use the chance at something better." Holly quotes, as she stairs out the window of the car, watching as they drive through the new town they will now call home, no matter how much Holly would never accept it as her real home. Never feel like she belonged in a new town full of rich snobs who try to rule over others.

            "If you are listening to me then please acknowledge me so I know I don’t have to keep repeating myself." But Holly just sighs in annoyance and puts her ear-buds in and cranks her music to block out her mother.

            Holly closes her eyes and thinks about the friends she left behind at her old school. She was wondering how they were doing since she left. Thinking about going to a new school with new people she didn't know and doubted shed be able to stand, made her even madder at her mother for making her start her life all over again. This was the eighth time this year they have moved for "a better life". This was the fourth time changing schools as well. She would have to make friends all over again, and even then, who knew how long this one would last. This time she wouldn't get to close with anyone again. Wouldn't let anyone in again, because it always ended in a painful good-bye.

            They turned left onto a curvy driveway that lead to the old mansion that would now be they're new home. Henry and his son Andrew are waiting outside on the patio for use when we pull up to the house. Rachel smiles and waves at them then turns to Holly.

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