When he asks you out

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Slenderman: you were playing on your computer whenever you saw a note get pinned to your window by someone's tendril. You walked over rolling your eyes. Slender. You grabbed it and read what it said. ( y/n) my lovely flower will you do me the honor to court me?" It said. You excitedly wrote yes in red marker on the note and threw it out of the window. You swore you could here slender screaming yes outside.

Jeff the killer: you were in the house that you and jeff were staying in when you heard jeff call you into the living room. What you saw was amazing the words will you go out wih me were written with knives. You nodded your head and ran to him and jumped into his arms.

Ben drowned: you were watching tv when the tv started to glitch up. You rolled your eyes and looked at the screen. " (y/n) will you be my Zelda?" You quickly said yes to the screen and smiled.

Hoodie: you were eating cheesecake when you got a text message from hoodie.

Will you be the cheese to my cake?

You quickly text in yes and smiled

Maskey: you were walkng into the kitchen when maskey came in and gave you a plate saying will you dat me? You laughed and nodded.

Eyeless jack: jack was chasing you around trying to force you to eat a kidney. He finally tackled you over and pinned you down. Black ooze dripped on your face. " ok it's ether go out with me or eat a kidney." He said. " I'd rather date you." You said. He smiled and gave you a kiss.

Ticci toby: " hey waffle buddy I need to ask you a question!" Toby yelled to you. You laughed and jumped up. " what?" You said excitedly. He handed you a small box. You opened it to see a a waffle necklace and a note that's says will you go out with me? You smiled and jumped on him. You gave him a huge kiss on the cheek.

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