When he says somethign dirty

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Slender :

You hung upside on one of the tree branches in slender woods for some odd reason, holding a book in your hands and reading it. Most people could only stand to do this for a minute or two while you, could do this for a week. While in your trance of reading, you didn't realize Slender standing beside you, watching you curiously as you read. But he noticed when a small glimmer of silver showed by your belly button. He didn't know you had a belly button ring. ( if you don't, use your imagination -_- ) Suddenly his tentacle reached out and pushed you on top of the branch once again before murmuring in your ear, "My tentacle isn't the only thing growing right now."


Jeff was attempting to show you how to properly throw a knife, in which you were actually talented at. With just two fingers, you stood in your stance and held the knife before you narrowed your eyes at the target. A kidney on top of Ben's head. Ben looked at her with wide eyes, all the while Jeff was snickering. Within seconds, you threw the knife, barley hitting Ben's head but cutting off a piece of his blonde hair. Blood seeped through the kidney, onto Ben's nose, which caused him to pass out. Jeff started to laugh, then he realized how wild your eyes looked. "The kidney isn't the only thing that blood is rushin to."


Ben sat on the couch, with your head on his lap and a DS in front of your face. He played video games on the play station, quickly tapping all the right buttons for a combo move. "Damn it!" He heard you whisper before you shifted on his lap. He froze and looked at you, wondering if you were aware of the situation going on in his pants. Suddenly your eyebrow' furrowed, "Ben, do you have a pen in your pocket?" You asked cussing him to smirk. "Yep. And it's full of ink."


You and EJ were laughing and talking while continuously shoving kidneys into your mouth and swallowing them, savor using the tangy flavor. But in one particular bite, kidney juice (blood) dribbled from your lips down your chin, causing you to blush and wipe it away. EJ was quite entertained and being a dude, he immdiesntly thought of something. "How would you like a taste of my kidney juice?" You tilted your head, not understanding.


You sat on Masky's bed, eating a piece of blueberry cheesecake. The creamy white frosting was smeared all over your lips, and when Masky walked in he froze in his steps and stared at your mouth. "Hi Babe." You said with a smile before licking your lips, cutie get him to go weak in the knees. Silence filled the space before he finally decided to speak up. "I wish that was my cream on your lips."

Toby: Toby and you were eating waffles while watching the Human Centipede, which made you sick to your stomach, but you still ate. After a couple hours of flinching and holding in your vomit, you glanced at Toby, who had syrup all over his bare hands. (Because he didn't any to get his gloves sticky). You giggled and grabbed on of his hands, sucking on each of his fingers and licking his palms like a cat before putting it down with a blush. Toby looked at you with wide eyes before standing up, "I'm going to go wash my hands." He whispered before turning back to you. "Do you want to suck on something else?"


"Hoodie!" You squealed from the krichen, causing him to run it. "W-What is it!?" He yelled, pipe in his hand. A grin was painted on your lips as you held out a whip cream can. "Spray it in my mouth?" You asked him, causing him to turn bright red and nod. He grabbed the while cream can and put some in your mouth, while watching you lick the cream. "Want a taste of my cream?" He asked.

A/N : now I feel bad for ruining Hoodie's innocence. Then again, he is a killer... Anyways, I need your guy's help. I need a new cover for my story. Any ideas? Can you make one? And I'll choose one of yours and the person I will choose jell get a shoutout! Anyways, bye my killers!

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