My past has come, I give up my now for his Future.

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The dark creatures ascended from the sky met by Shadow himself waiting for when they landed.

"Shadow." Doom's three fiery eyes set on the hedgehog that shared his blood.

"Coming back after licking your wounds for a good twelve years." He crossed his arms looking up at the floating alien.

"Hehe, are you trying to convince me that was your way of showing mercy?"

"Mercyful is the last word that anyone would use to describe me. Before this gets hostile, I'll only say this once; You aren't welcome here. Now.. Get... Out."

"You're right, pathetic and weak is more your description. And I'll say this only once as well; Surrender over the source of the powerful energy!"

"Perhaps we can come to an agreement?" Shadow smirked calking his head.

"...Really?? ....What are your terms?" Doom taken by full surprise from the willingness of his son to bargain an arrangement- not that he'd keep it of course but then that would mean the planet must have made him helplessly stupid!

"I'll hand it over, but once you have it don't come back... Leave this planet, it's sun, and it's moon alone."

"Really now? Your encounters with other planets haven't left you with any regards to their world's condition?" Doom chuckled.

"... It's not that." Shadow shook his head and looked back towards the GUN Head Quarters and back at the fathering alien floating above him. "I have someone here that's personally more special to me than the universe itself."

"Is that so? Disgusting... it's revolting to know you share the same blood through your veins."

"Do we have a deal or not?"

Doom stared at him intensely oddly considering the concept of being kind, "Alright... if that is all you want from me. Hand it over." He held out his hand.

Shadow nodded taking out a red emerald and placed it in the scaly palm.

"....What is this? This is not the source of your power!"

"No not really, but it's something. That power shouldn't even be here, it should be destroyed! No one should have it, and that's why Commander and I intend to get rid of it! But with a Chaos Emerald you'll be more than powerful enough to take one any being in another galaxy don't let your greed for power be what ends your forever ticking clock of life Doom, I know we have no bond as a father and son but to see anyone end in such a sorry way when it all can be avoidable is just pathetic."

"YOU!! Stop playing around and give me the source of the power!!" Doom drew back his hand and chucked the emerald at Shadow now growing a red aura around him in anger.

"... Unfortunately, I meant it when I said I'd only say it once." Shadow snatched the emerald mid-air feeling the point sting his hand from the impact. Striking a fighting stance he zipped into action taking on Doom right then and there, by himself.

-1 Month later-

Doom retreated to the safety of his renovated comet obstructed in the clouds hovering above the city and raining an army of his minions. Shadow couldn't take it all by himself and he returned to HQ out of breath and inquiring about a battle plan. Mephiles on the back burner watching it all unfold left Silver with an uneasy feeling of being a specimen under a microscope in an animal testing lab.

"The city can't take any more damages, the situation is beginning to leak out to others around the country," Rouge announced over the rundown table and tired heroes.

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